No. 6 (2016)Metadisciplinarity as a Reality of Modern EducationIn the article we show the analysis of the scientists’ views on metadisciplinarity in education. Thanks to the given analysis the general phenomenological characteristics are selected, and the justification of value of metadisciplinary contents in modern education is given. Keywords: metadisciplinarity, modern education, metaactivity, metadiscipline, metaknowledge, metaskill, universal learning activities. Cognitive Visualization as a Means of Developing Students’ Cognitive CompetenceThe article is devoted to the problem of formation and development of students’ cognitive competence, the analysis of application of various means of educational material that help students to be integrated into productive cognitive activity connected with interpretation of information through its reasoning. Keywords: cognitive activity, cognitive competence, cognitive visualization, didactic visual means. The Application of the Black Box Model for Knowledge ControllingThe system of modern knowledge controlling includes the black box model, but the connection of didactics with this model is not discussed enough in pedagogical and methodological literature. The purpose of this article is to describe the application of the black box theory categories on the example of the most prevalent today methods of control. Keywords: knowledge controlling, model, black box, testing, adaptive control of knowledge. Changes in Professional and Personal Self-Determination of High School Students Living in the Modern MetropolisIn the article we analyze the results of sociological research on personal perceptions and future claims of high school students living in Novosibirsk. The results of the research in 2016 are compared with those researched in 2006. Keywords: professional and personal self-determination, life perspective, high school students, social and life aspirations, teenagers. Forestalling the Time. In Memory of Alexander M. GuendinThe article is devoted to Alexander M. Guendin, one of the first Russian researchers of methodology of forecasting and foresight. Keywords: prognosis, prediction, foresight, everyday consciousness, decision making, subject, object. The Development of Vocational Education in Russia and AbroadIn article we consider some approaches to the development of the specialist capable to achieve the fullest realization of his potential in various educational systems. The options of achieving the demanded level of vocational education in Russia and Finland are compared. Keywords: vocational education, the structure of vocational education, European countries. Tajikistan Teacher Training SystemIn the article we discuss the system of relations that regulates the process of planning, the organization and management of teacher’s professional development. Keywords: training, educational system, regulation, planning, management. Developing Cognitive Activity of Future Teachers by Means of Extracurricular ActivitiesIn the article we present our experience of developing cognitive activity of students by means of extracurricular activities. Keywords: extracurricular activity, extracurricular work, out-of-school work, content, forms, criteria, cognitive activity. Logical Skills as the Subject of Assessment of School Interdisciplinary Learning Outcomes for MathematicsIn the article we consider the problem of improving the professional competence of a mathematics teacher in assessing interdisciplinary learning outcomes. Keywords: interdisciplinary outcomes, logical skills, mathematics, pupils, assessment, criteria, levels. The Organization of Educational Process on the Basis of Remote TechnologiesThe article describes the experience of the Novosibirsk French grammar school No. 16 in organizing e-learning and using remote technologies. Keywords: remote learning technologies, high quality education, regional project, monitoring. Сайт поддерживается в Новосибирском институте повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования и является участником Новосибирской открытой образовательной сети |