No. 4 (2018)

Interdisciplinary Communication as a Means of Integrity in the Process of Formation of Communicative Competence of Students

In the article there is an argumentation about the necessity to develop communication skills of students through the implementation of operational activity and substantial inter-subject relations, which leads to qualitative changes in ways of cognitive activity of students, their competency. The interdisciplinary is done in the study of similar objects and concepts (culture, communication, arguments).

Course for Choice in Teaching Linguistically Gifted School Students

In this article the author places the emphasis that linguistically gifted pupils have to own debatable abilities, metacommunication signals, know the main strategy and tactics of foreign-language communication, school students learn about it from the course for choice developed by the researcher "Russian and the English speech etiquette: similarities and distinctions".

The English Language as a Playground

The article focuses on the special instruction language used in the Letterland system for teaching early literacy skills in English which was created by the author. The pre-school and early primary school years are the time in children’s lives when they sponge up new vocabulary, when they are full of curiosity, and when they are keen to participate in imaginative play.

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