
Teacher’s Professional Standard as a Resource for the Development of Pedagogical Competence

The article reveals the potential of the teacher’s professional standard for the continuous development of pedagogical competence. The grounds for the author’s conviction in the productive potential of this regulatory document are the concept of pedagogical competence and the results of scientific studies on its development, as well as the experience of interaction with teachers in the scientific and methodological support of innovative pedagogical activity.

Specifics of Interaction between Teacher and Parents of Students with Hearing Loss

In the article we describe the recommendations for teachers on the specifics of building cooperation with parents of children with hearing loss.

Keywords: interaction between teachers and parents, deaf-and-dumb pedagogy, correction and rehabilitation process.

The Adjustment of Educational Activity Taking into Consideration the Peculiarities of the Development of Boys and Girls

In the article we discuss the need to adjust the educational process taking into consideration the peculiarities of the development of boys and girls.

Keywords: gender-based approach, individual characteristics, teaching children of different genders, primary school pupil.

Teacher-Parents Interaction in Designing Individual Educational Trajectories of Students

In the article we show the different views on the concept of "dunce", the basic subjective and objective reasons for poor progress of students, the role of teacher-parents interaction with in teaching children. The concept of "individual educational trajectory" is analyzed.

Keywords: dunce, interaction with parents, designing individual educational trajectories of students, forms of work.

Teacher’s ICT Competence as the Basis for Successful Professional Activity

In the article we prove the efficiency of ICT-use in the educational process on the basis of our teaching experience.

Keywords: lesson, information and communication technology, competence, structure of activities, informational and educational environment.

The Model of Engineering Education in School: Experience, Perspectives, Development

In the article we present the experience of the Second Novosibirsk grammar school in the integration of engineering education into educational process.

Keywords: technological innovation, competitiveness, engineering thinking, space selection, competences, CDIO Standard.

The Formation of Children and Adults Communities in Virtual Reality

In the article we attempt to develop some ways to solve a number of problems of the new teacher’s standard. We offer an effective solution to the problem of uniting all participants of educational relations around the child, using a friendly space for all the children that is the virtual world.

Keywords: virtual space, teacher’s standard, extracurricular activities.

The Realization of the Novosibirsk Region Project in Specialized Classes. The Organization of Extracurricular Activities

The realization of the Novosibirsk specialized classes project is an innovative breakthrough in the organization of the work with gifted children. This innovative project requires innovations. We show the integration of the ideas of the two regional projects: "Specialized classes" and "Implementation of the model of quality management system of education in educational institutions of the Novosibirsk region". The second project provides the necessary tools for the effective implementation of the first project.

Teaching Nanotechnologies with the Use of the Elements of Coaching

The article is devoted to the methodology of teaching natural science disciplines of modern trends. The methodology is based on engaging of young specialists of scientific institutions in the process of preparing lyceum students' scientific practical works. The structure of the methodology includes a special course organized on the basis of the lyceum, summer practice in institutes and individual work of coachers with students. We describe the experience of the methodology implementation in the Aerospace lyceum and Institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Tutor's Support of Specialized Classes

In the article we describe the algorithm of the tutor's work in a specialized class, and present the effectiveness of interaction between all the participants of the educational process.

Keywords: tutor, coacher, class teacher.

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