No. 4 (2021)

To the Question of the Contribution of Philosophical and Pedagogical Concepts of Friedrich Froebel in the System Education

The article deals with the philosophical and pedagogical concepts of the German philosopher-teacher of the late 18th and early 19th centuries Friedrich Froebel, whose merit to the Western European education system is expressed in the fact that he was one of the first to develop a methodology for the work of kindergartens in the upbringing and education of young children. The purpose of the research is to solve the following tasks through the prism of F. Froebel's philosophical and pedagogical concepts.

Personality Development Training in the Context of Innovations of School Foreign Language Education

Background. Problem statement concerns the need to study pedagogical and didactic topics due to the environment or background in modern Russian education, i.e. the socio-political situation in the region, in the country, and in the world as a whole, which has an indirect impact on it. This paper is in the main a continuation of the authors' publications on the topic under consideration.

La technologie «classe inversee» a des cours de frangais

La pandemie de coronavirus a fort bouleverse le rythme de vie de la societe et l'education n'y a pas echappe et a connu des changements evidents. L'enseignement se deroule entierement ou partiellement a distance dans des ecoles et des universites via les telephones portables et les ordinateurs que les apprenants utilisent quotidiennement. Dans ce contexte, le cours efficace necessite de grandes competences dans le developpement, la planification, l'execution et revaluation du proces d'apprentissage.

Russian University textbooks about the Battle of Moscow

Article is devoted to the analysis of high school educational literature on the history of Russia, published in the 21st century. The subject of the analysis were subjects related to the battle of Moscow in the fall and winter of 1941, the 80th anniversary of which is celebrated this year. The research was conducted on the following points: 1) causes of failures in the first phase of the Battle of Moscow; 2) reasons for the success of the defensive and offensive actions; 3) the situation in Moscow in October 1941; 4) the significance of the Battle of Moscow.

On the Peculiarities of Teaching Social and Humanitarian Subjects in Specialized Classes in Educational Institutions of the Novosibirsk region

The article focuses on the possibilities and mission of social and humanitarian disciplines in the process of organizing a holistic, capacious, promising form of integration of the goals of society and the individual through the creation of specialized classes. The author shows the possibilities, specifics, role and value of social and humanitarian subjects taught in specialized classes in the Novosibirsk region.

Socio-Economic Importance of Water Transport in Russia and the Role of Education of Specialists of Navigators

The article is devoted to the problems in the training of professional production personnel. In particular, this applies to boatmasters. The discipline "Mathematical Fundamentals of Navigation" is directly related to the accuracy of the ship's observation (determining the location of its position) and the accuracy of its wiring along the laid course. It is not an easy task to determine what should be taught in this course, how exactly it should be taught, how the content of the course should depend on the navigation equipment used, etc.

Conceptual Foundations of Modern postgraduate pedagogical education

The author of the article conducted a survey of teachers of general education institutions in 15 regions of our country, the purpose of which was to determine the satisfaction of teachers with vocational education (advanced training) programs. It was found that more than 70 % of teachers are not satisfied, or are not fully satisfied with the quality of such programs.

Modeling of Development of Natural Scientific | Competence of Trainees Based on Intellectual and Cognitive Communication

The relevance of the development of the system of natural science education is recognized by all countries, the leaders of the world economy. In order to ensure high rates of socio-economic development, the state needs to conduct basic natural science research as the basis for scientific and technological progress. Accordingly, society needs specialists with a high level of development of natural science competence.

Development of Master’s Program “Educational Entrepreneurship” in the Context of Lifelong Education

The introduction describes the relationship between the ideas of lifelong education and entrepreneurship in education, substantiates the relevance of the development of this direction in higher education. Based on the use of methods of theoretical and empirical research, the necessity of developing master's program in the context of higher education is substantiated. The appeal to psychological knowledge allowed the author of the article to draw a parallel between the ideas of lifelong education and entrepreneurship.

Principles of Development of Didactic Support for Topographic Training of Cadets of Military s Universities

Important issues of modernization of the education system with the use of information technologies at the present stage are raised. The problems of topographic training of cadets of military institutes are updated. The analysis of the development of these issues in the modern literature is carried out. It is emphasized that a modern officer must have a high level of military professional training in this field. The essence of topographic training is considered and its content for cadets of a military university is determined.
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