Multimedia Visibility in Teaching Physics

We analyze the content of the concept of visibility in the widespread use of multimedia learning tools. Regulations formulated for the use of computer models as a means of visibility in physics learning. 1. In the presentation of the educational material is maintain logic movement of knowledge from the phenomenon to the essence. For the stages "ascent to the abstract" and the "ascent to the specific" correspond to different models or different elements of the same models that are displayed in the proper sequence. 2. Lessons using computer models are conducted primarily in Л the interactive form. Shown the necessary for this components of the model. 3. The visual component in the physical щ models must necessarily be complemented by linguistic, symbolic component. Herewith uses natural language, H the language of scientific terms and language of mathematics. 4. Computer models should be used to enhance the у methodological component in the learning content, namely, to demonstrate the computational, graphics, statistical methods of data processing. An example of the use of computer models to the lectures for the study of free oscillations >S of a mathematical pendulum is given. О

Keywords: multimedia learning tools, visibility, e-learning tools, teaching physics.

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