Supervision as Support of Young Teacher Professional Development a t School

The article states the issue of supervision organization in the secondary school, which has been actualized by the implementation of new educational standards.

The traditional supervision practice is illustrated where a supervisor performs methodological support for a young teacher. It is proved that this kind of practice neither creates a teacher subjective position in his/her development nor "fixes" him/her at the position held. As an alternative, another organizational way of supervision is suggested - supervision at modern innovative school as an activity-support of a teacher in educational innovative fulfillment. The q concepts of co-operation and open professionalism of a teacher are highlighted as methodological basic of supervision. It has been shown that professional development support of a young teacher at school is a cooperation of the variety of models (authoritarian, leadership, partnership) co-operation of a supervisor and supervisee and different types of supervisors (methodist, navigator, tutor, implementator, researcher). 

Keywords: supervision support, co-operation, navigator, tutor, methodist, educational innovations, professional development. a

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