Teaching of School Subjects in Conditions Informatization of the Educational Process

The article provides an overview of the possibilities o f using ICT tools in teaching students various subjects. Defining the informatization o f the educational process as a providing factor for students to achieve planned results and a tool for solving didactic and educational tasks by the teacher, the author bases on the positive and previously proven positive changes in general education. The article highlights common for all subject areas and the opportunities for productive use o f ICT tools in the educational process, which are specific for individual subjects. The author focuses on the specifics of informatization at each o f the levels o f general education, taking into account the principle o f continuity, as well as on the priority o f the tasks of educating the citizen of the information society. In conclusion, a conclusion was drawn about the dual nature of the impact o f informatization o f the educational process on the professional development of the teacher.

Keywords: academic subject, subject area, informatization, educational process, teacher.

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