Novel Five-Year Time Period of Development of Novosibirsk Teachers’ Upgrading and Retraining Institute History

The Novosibirsk Teachers’ Upgrading and Retraining Institute (on: the Institute) as one of the leaders of the system of Russian educational organization of optional professional education of a pedagogue is characterized by the dynamic development due to the priorities of Federal and regional politics. The conceptuality of reorganization and development activities of the Institute considers a number of approaches as axiology, competence and andragogy. Goal.

Features And Prospects For The Implementation Of The Project «Network Teacher Of The Novosibirsk Region»

In pursuance of the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation on the creation and development of the Digital Educational Environment (hereinafter referred to as the DEL), the Novosibirsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the NSO) takes part in the testing and implementation of a number of federal projects in order to create equal conditions for obtaining quality education in schools in the region.

Value-Semantic Priorities of the Formation of a Unified Scientific and Methodological Space in the Aspect of Patriotic Education and Personal Development: Axiological and Regional Аpproaches

This article focuses on axiological approach to the problem of scientific and methodological support of the national project "Education” in terms of the formation of functional literacy of a modern student in the frameworks of the regional unified scientific and methodological spaces.

Actual Directions of Primary General Education Development

Primary school is the most important stage in the life of every child, the period when there is a change of leadership, the development of a new social role and the formation of functional literacy in all the leading areas of personal development. This level of education is traditionally a platform for various pedagogical experiments, testing of normative documents and guidelines. Not an exception was the period of standardization of Russian education, the start of which was testing, and then the introduction of the Federal state educational standard of primary education (fgos).

A modern lesson in elementary school: Features of designing and secrets of skill

 The article presents a scientific and methodical analysis of lessons conducted by the participants of the regional competition of professional skills "My best lesson" for primary school teachers. It is noted that the competition is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding teacher Taisia Prokopievna Komarova, primary school teacher of the Krasnokameshok school of the Suzun district of the Novosibirsk region, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Teaching of School Subjects in Conditions Informatization of the Educational Process

The article provides an overview of the possibilities o f using ICT tools in teaching students various subjects. Defining the informatization o f the educational process as a providing factor for students to achieve planned results and a tool for solving didactic and educational tasks by the teacher, the author bases on the positive and previously proven positive changes in general education. The article highlights common for all subject areas and the opportunities for productive use o f ICT tools in the educational process, which are specific for individual subjects.

Modern Learning Session: Solving Project Task by School Students

The article gives reasons for the necessity of particular emphasis to system and successive growth of project skills of the students: starting with understanding and memorizing the aim, planning its achievement, auto-evaluation skills and elementary techniques of reflection at primary school, continuing with competence of performing project activity on given directions at secondary school. Further, on the level of secondary education it is essential for a school student to plan individual direction of development and professional identity.

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