Leading Pedagogical Design Experience: Educational Process in Primary School

Research problem and justification of its relevance. Designing the educational process by a primary school teacher is one of the most significant labor actions according to the Professional Standard for this category of educators. However, many teachers experience difficulties at various stages of design, including the development process stage of educational programs. Purpose of this research: to study, analyze and generalize the advanced pedagogical experience in the design and implementation of the educational process by primary school teachers in the Novosibirsk region. Methodology (materials and methods). The study materials selected educational programs developed by primary school teachers and submitted to the regional competition for educational institutions located in the Novosibirsk region, "Territory of pedagogical skills." The following methods were used: theoretical analysis, expert assessments, analysis and interpretation of pedagogical practice, survey and study of the products of educational and creative activities of younger students, project activities of teachers. Results. The best Design Practices fulfilled by primary school teachers of educational programs in four subjects studied by schoolchildren of primary general education have been identified. Methodological solutions for the development of teachers' professionalism in the course of professional development are proposed. Conclusion. Advanced pedagogical experience in the design of the educational process in primary school is the result of effective methodological work in an educational organization, balanced management decisions, and systems scientific and methodological support.
Keywords: educational program; primary school teacher; academic subject; design; junior schoolchild.
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