Adaptation of Teachers to Peculiar Activities in the Aspect of Instability and Uncertainty

The rapidly changing educational space within the transition to digital technologies determines the problem area of this study. The main goal of this study covers the identification of the perspectives for the development of the professional competencies of an educator in line with the processes of instability and uncertainty. The subject of this researchconsiders the system of advanced training of college teachers. The methodology of the study reflects the sequence of actions containing an analytical approach, methods of postmethodical didactics, pedagogical design, and individual trajectories of the development of a college teacher in terms of an individual plan. As a result, the authors underlie the effect of the options to expand the boundaries of the usageof the organizational factors and methods of trainingin terms of the pedagogical design of a teacher's individual plan. The effects cover the contribution to the receipt of a novel format of the educational program for advanced training based on the process of micro-learning. In sum, the authors focus both on the increase of the motivation, and on the reduction of the level of anxiety of teachers for the changes of the educational space within instability and uncertainty of the Universum.
Keywords: post methodic didactics, micro learning, individual training plan.
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