Realization of the Makarenko Pedagogy and Technology: Principles of Organization & Education Rules within a Mature Team

The article introduces new principles of the organization of education as a category of pedagogical reality and science within the A. S. Makarenkopedagogy by. The substantiation of the unclosed list of principles of education, the generation of principles by cross-cutting tasks of society is given. The connection of the principles of education with the needs and values of society is revealed, the principles of education of Makarenko are formulated and their content is disclosed. The term «rules of education» introduced into circulation and their formulation are given. It is shown that the rules of education are applied in the conditions of maturity of the Team. The inseparable connection of the rules of education with social interactions as the basis of pedagogical reality is revealed. The transformation of A. S. Makarenko’s education and production teams as a form of self-organization into a social movement complementing and competing with the Pioneer, Komsomol and Stakhanov movement in the USSR is shown. As a social movement, it develops from below, in contrast to the movements organized from above. Makarenkov’s pedagogy is pushed to the sidelines of the Russian education system because of its national-cultural alienation to the ideologies of internationalism and liberalism.
Keywords: social interaction, principles of education of A. S. Makarenko, rules of education, Makarenkov’s social movement.
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