The Functional Literacy Developmentof the Teacher in the Aspect of the Implementation of the Requirements of the Updated Federal State Education Standards

In the context of the introduction and implementation of the requirements of the updated federal state educational standards for general education, the pedagogical community is in a continuous search for innovative pedagogical approaches to the development of the functional literacy of students that never ceases, raising numerous questions and provoking the greatest difficulties in the experience of teachers. The professional discussion of the development of mathematical and natural-science functional literacy of the teachers themselves has long gone beyond the scope of a purely professional dispute, and has acquired a public character, inviting all participants of educational relations to the discussion. Current Scientific Scholarship on the problem under consideration has not developed a unanimous opinion. This is most conducive to solving the problem of mastering all groups of planned results of the federal educational program at the level of primary and basic general education. The goal of the study is to design an algorithm aimed at developing the mathematical and natural science functional literacy of the teacher. For this purpose the analysis of the status of the problem is carried out. The existing professional deficiencies of modern teachers are identified. And as a result of the study the definition of a step-by-step script for leveling potential shortcomings in the development of mathematical and natural science functional literacy of modern teachers is given.
Keywords: functional literacy, mathematical literacy, science literacy, advanced training of teachers, federal state educational standard of general education.
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