Additional Foreign Language Education for Adults: Didactic Aspects

The article deals with the issues of increasing the level of foreign language competence of practitioners in the field of tourism and hospitality. The growth of tourists in the region, including foreign ones, entails the need to increase the level of their foreign language training. The purpose of the article: to present a didactic basis for the development of content for additional foreign language education for workers in the regional tourism and hospitality sector. The methodological basis of the study was the competence-based, regional and andragogical approaches. The authors used theoretical and empirical research methods. Questionnaire and interviews were used as survey methods of research. The objectives of the survey included: to identify the presence of problems in the professional activities of employees of the hotel industry that arise in the implementation of foreign language communication; find out the degree of their satisfaction with the existing knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of foreign language education; determine the need for additional courses for the development of foreign language competence; get acquainted with the proposals of workers in the field of tourism and hospitality to improve the level of their foreign language competence. The results of a survey of tourism and hospitality workers made it possible to identify problems that arise in the implementation of foreign language communication in the course of their professional activities, consider the feasibility of additional training in a foreign (English) language, develop the basic principles for organizing additional foreign language education and design a program to increase the level of foreign language competence of tourism workers and hospitality. The authors formulated the basic principles of organizing foreign language education for adults: the principles of communication, consciousness, activity, professionally oriented communication, the need and sufficiency of educational material, and the game organization of learning. The conclusion contains conclusions about the feasibility of the projected English language program for employees of the regional tourism and hospitality sector.
Keywords: additional foreign language education, adult education, tourism and hospitality, basic approaches, level of foreign language training, principles of foreign language education for adults, English language training program.
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