N. N. Arkhangelskaya

Philosophical and Pedagogical Aspects of the Ethics of Computer Games

The article explores the philosophical and pedagogical potential of studying the ethics of computer games. The ethical evaluation of games involves identifying the nature of ethical choices and ethical opportunities in the rules and the game world, as well as assessing the translation of ethical values presented in the game and forms of consolidation of ethical experience experienced by the player. Ethical analysis of games has traditionally been carried out using key philosophical ethical theories: consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics.

Additional Foreign Language Education for Adults: Didactic Aspects

The article deals with the issues of increasing the level of foreign language competence of practitioners in the field of tourism and hospitality. The growth of tourists in the region, including foreign ones, entails the need to increase the level of their foreign language training. The purpose of the article: to present a didactic basis for the development of content for additional foreign language education for workers in the regional tourism and hospitality sector. The methodological basis of the study was the competence-based, regional and andragogical approaches.
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