A Leader in Search of a Humanitarian Universe: Architectonics of Strategy and Tactic Innovations

The research presents axiological aspects of a leadership in current education that concern the choice of relevant instruments for effective professional interaction of the participants in the process of creating a humanitarian universe. The purpose of this study is to obtain arguments for a socially significant role of a leader in search of a corpus of regional humanitarian activities within the modern society and current education realia of the postmodernism era. The research methodology is based on the integrative use of current Scientific Scholarship to create a new vision of a leader in the spaces of humanistic essence – a humanitarian continuum that exposes the architectonics 0f novel strategy and tactics of a leader. The basic principles of the architectonics include critical analysis of practical implementation of cultural and educational innovative events at the regional level in terms of an axiological approach the main characteristics of which include consistency, polyphony, cultural conformity, personality as a value, education as a value, the tradition preservation of humanistic tendencies in national education. Results of the survey reflect on the innovation findings of conceptual communications within the analogues in the aspect of sociality and culture identity, i.e. stability, leadership, professionalism, novel communication strategies and tactics in the aspect of novelty of social and educational humanitarian spaces. Nevertheless, the very fact of the polyphony of the Concepts on the role of a leader is symptomatic that indicates the stage of the adaptation steps of each of the theories on a Humanitarian Universum. In conclusion the facts of cultivating the innovative nature of the ontology of modern social and educational practices are in the focus of the leadership culture and professionalism that lead to leadership and stability of the Region. It helps to understand the transformations that have taken place in the philosophy of education as a whole.
Keywords: conceptualization, dominant value context, leadership foundation, innovation continuum, strategic and tactical communications, pedagogical design
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