Value-Semantic Priorities of the Formation of a Unified Scientific and Methodological Space in the Aspect of Patriotic Education and Personal Development: Axiological and Regional Аpproaches

This article focuses on axiological approach to the problem of scientific and methodological support of the national project "Education” in terms of the formation of functional literacy of a modern student in the frameworks of the regional unified scientific and methodological spaces. The purpose of this paper is to present some of the innovation scientific and methodological benefits of expanding the boundaries of the study of authentic issues related to the formation of the civil position of students for the development of their patriotic feelings, pride and respect for the past and present, culture and language, customs and traditions of the Russian people in the novel professional spaces of recurrent education of a pedagogue. The main methodological message of this micro-study initiated by the educators and researchers of the Regional Institute of continuing professional teacher education within the projective educational spaces of interaction of the participants at all levels, threefold in the goals and tasks, is to reflect: a) the need to improve the status of regional and municipal methodological associations of teachers; b) the significance of their leadership civic position of novel personal existence, often full of contradictions; c) the importance of cultivating increased awareness and responsibility of the individual, psychological and didactic readiness of each of the participants to solve professional tasks in the light of the updated educational value-semantic priorities of education and personal development of a student. As a result of the theoretical and methodological and scientific-methodical research carried out since the year of 2020 in terms of the effective and creative activities of the Departments of the Institute (mostly the Department of Primary Education and the Department of Foreign Language Education), the Model of Knowledge Content, Technology and Criteria of Benefits at the regional level represents in brief. In conclusion, there some dominant ideas of this research reflect on the following database: a) environmental and axiological approaches to the formation and implementation of the organizational and pedagogical content of the target project are the most optimum; b) large-scale project focused on actual issues of development and patriotic education of the individuals allows to implement the architectonics of this regional experience; c) practice in brief that concerns the regional event-based professional spaces of strategy communications is considered as the most important factor for the promotion of the target model of interaction of regional educational organizations (institutes, departments, methodological services, schools) at the all-Russia levels. The article may be useful to researchers, university teachers, teachers and methodologists of educational organizations dealing with identical problems.
Keywords: innovative pedagogical activities, patriotic education, functional literacy, strategy communications, municipal teacher associations.
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