Features of the Philosophy of Education of the August Hermann Franke

The article analyzes the philosophical and pedagogical concepts of the American and German philosopher and teacher of the XVII-XVIII centuries. August Hermann Franke. His contribution to Western and Russian education lies in the fact that he took the religious ideas of pietism and the philosophy of sensationalism as a basis and introduced them into the pedagogical system of education he developed for children and youth. The purpose of the article is due to the need to solve the following research tasks through the prism of the philosophical and pedagogical concepts of August Franke: firstly, to identify the historical prerequisites for the formation of the philosophy of education of August Hermann Franke; secondly, to analyze how the philosophy of education developed by him correlates with the European and American education systems of the 17th–18th centuries; thirdly, to find out in what sociocultural conditions the philosophy of education of August Franke was formed and what influence it had on modern education. Guided by this approach, philosophical and pedagogical research rises to the level of metascientific synthesis and solves the problems set by the author. Theoretical and methodological problems of the philosophy of education developed by August Franke served as the basis for the formation of modern Western European and Russian pedagogical science. However, in Russian pedagogical science they were not as widespread as in Western science and were not always carried out according to his original developments. The novelty of the study is due to the fact that the analysis of the philosophical and pedagogical concepts of August Franke is carried out on the material of Western sources, which give us a holistic view of the educational system of Western Europe and the United States at the end of the 17th-18th centuries, which were dominated by the ideas of pietism and sensationalism. In conclusion, a conclusion is made about the relevance of the philosophy of education of August Franke and his contribution to modern pedagogy.
Keywords: philosophy of education of Augustus Hermann Franke, European and American system of education of children and students of the late 17th-18th centuries, pedagogical science, religious ideas of pietism and the philosophy of sensationalism in pedagogy, idealization of education.
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