Methodical Competence as a System-Forming Component of Professionalism of a Modern Teacher

This article actualizes the problem of continuous professional development of teachers as a key factor in improving the quality of school education, creating a sovereign education system in Russia. In accordance with the stated goal, the tasks set, the problem put forward and the research methodology, an overview of key trends in the declaration and implementation of the provisions of the state educational policy, including the creation of a unified federal system of scientific and methodological support for teaching staff and management personnel, is being made. The question of the importance of considering the methodological competence of a teacher as a separate phenomenon is raised, its place and role in the structure of the professionalism of the teacher’s personality, essential and meaningful characteristics are analyzed. A special place in the analysis of the teacher’s methodological competence is given to its structural construction and component content. A separate aspect of the study is related to the identification of levels of development and approaches to. Keywords: the professionalism of the teacher, the methodological competence of the teacher, the structure of the methodological competence of the teacher, the levels of formation of the methodological competence of the teacher, diagnosis and assessment of the methodological competence of the teacher
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