Topical Issues of the Methodology for Surveying Professional Burnout of Higher Education Teachers

The purpose of his work is to scrutinize the potential of cross-training as a compliance tool for inter- and multidisciplinary learning in order to prevent professional burnout of higher education teachers. The novelty of the scientific research is determined by the lack of studies proving the efficacy of cross-training adaptation in an educational context. This is followed by analysis of cross-training as a conceptual framework for teaching ethics of organizational behavior and communication, providing the relevant response strategies in complicated and non-standard cases, which guarantees safety, psycho-emotional wellness and stress resistance in the workplace. The proposed model for cross-training implementation is presented in the modular training structure including content blocks designed for two academic departments of a federal university. The core components of the modular system are the Welcome book, an individual development plan, the guidance of theoretical and practical assistance, the tutorial of evaluation criteria, regular interim assessments and training feedback forms. Taking into account the dualistic approach applied in developing educational and methodological materials for advanced training courses and other types of professional education, the authors shift the importance from “how” to teach to “what” and “why” to teach for successful transfer of acquired knowledge into a practical realm. An important finding of this work is that stagnation as an indicator of professional burnout can be overcome by reducing restraining forces and facilitating driving forces while enabling changes and overcoming individual resistance as well as group conformity within the framework of a cross-training model.
Keywords: cross-training, compliance, professional burnout, individual resistance, group conformism
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