Individual Educational Program’s Design as a Means of Professional Development of the Teacher in the System of Continuous Education of TeachersThe paper presents the actual issues of the organization of continuous education of teachers in accord with the changing conditions and the requirements of regulatory documents. The purpose, object, subject, methods and methodology of the study are revealed in the introduction. The author, studying approaches to the implementation of ideas of continuing education, identifies the main components of the system of continuing pedagogical education in the results of the study. Using the content analysis of the concepts of researchers, the author clarifies the concept of professional growth of a teacher, identifies the main means and devices. Based on the analysis of the results of the evaluation of the subject and methodical competences of teachers and the analysis of the content of individual educational routes of teachers, the problem of designing professional development of teachers is identified. The author describes the components of the individual educational program of the teacher, the content and forms of education. The author focuses on the support of the development and implementation of the individual educational program of professional growth used for overcoming professional deficiencies and development of professional growth. In conclusion, the author states that the identified organizational and pedagogical conditions for the design and implementation of individual educational programs of professional growth of teachers contribute to the functioning of the system of continuing teacher education, are relevant; provide an opportunity to overcome professional deficits and professional development of teachers.
Keywords: continuing education of teachers, advanced training, professional growth of a teacher, professional competence, Assessment of Professional Competence
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