No. 1 (2015)Extracurricular Activities of Students: The Realization of the Federal State Educational Standards RequirementsIn the article we identify and justify possibilities for teaching extracurricular activities corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standards requirements, and determine aims of extracurricular activities in terms of the formation of teenager’s learning progress. The main elements of the individual educational extracurricular activities and the content of learning possibilities are described. Keywords: learning possibilities, extracurricular activities, teaching progress, effective combinations of school and out-of-school forms of learning. Read completely Teacher’s Professionalism as a Necessary Condition for the Federal State Educational Standard Realization Introduction to the ForumIn the article, we present some research results of the most significant and relevant aspects of professional education and self-improvement of a specialist in the field of teaching the humanities (philology, foreign languages, literature). The author attempts to draw the attention of the modern teachers to the need to solve problems of self-organization and self-realization quickly and in the context of the present Russian professional standard. Keywords: information space, the standard of teacher’s professional education. Innovative Lesson PlanningIn the article we give some examples of tasks based on the principles of student-centered approach. Keywords: student-centered approach in education, foreign language, information. Modern Foreign Language Lesson and Activity Systems ApproachIn the article we explain the need for active approach in teaching, and show its importance in the development of creative activities at English lessons. We present the most effective techniques in teaching foreign languages, and examples of both group and individual forms of work. Keywords: foreign language lesson, research activity, communicative competence, activity approach. Online Projects as an Innovative Form of Organization of Educational Activities in the Framework of the Federal State Educational StandardsArticle is devoted to the project activities at school, and methods of organization. We share our experience of participating in online contests, and competitions. Keywords: online project, information technologies, students' cognitive activities. Our LermontovAt the end of December 2014 the Novosibirsk Teachers’ Upgrading and Retraining Institute held a scientific-practical conference dedicated to the Lermontov’s life and works. We offer the material resulting that conference. Keywords: poet, Lermontov’s motives, lyrical hero. Activity Systems Approach: The Formation and Development of the Competence Creating a Speech at the Lessons on Studying Mikhail Lermontov’s life and WorksIn the article we analyze the results of the graduates’ essays and indicate the first difficulties they faced, in particular, the difficulty of writing essays on the works of Mikhail Lermontov. In this regard, we try to answer how to make the poet more modern and understandable for students of the XXIst century. Keywords: essay, activity systems approach, competence creating a speech. The Development of Cognitive Activity of Students on the Basis of Lermontov’s Borodino BalladThe most complex task of a teacher of Russian language and literature is, perhaps, to find the ways how to help students to understand the necessity of literary education, and how to teach each student to raise the personal importance of the acquired knowledge and skills. We are looking for new ways of learning and development of children’s interest to reading. In this connection it is proposed a plan of integrated lesson on Lermontov’s Borodino ballad. Keywords: collective method of teaching, character, creative activity, the development of cognitive activity. The Formation of Students’ Culturological Competence: The Use of Etymological Analysis of Words at Russian Language Lessons on the Basis of Lermontov’s WorksIn the article we present as an example the Russian language lesson on etymological analysis of words, focused on the development of students’ culturological competence. Keywords: culturological competence, etymological analysis, vocabulary. The System of Studying a Hero of Our Time, Lermontov's novel, in the 9th GradeIn the article we propose the system of tasks for studying A Hero of Our Time, and as well we give a detailed analysis of chapters of the novel. Keywords: novel, problem question, character, quiz, lexical dictation. Сайт поддерживается в Новосибирском институте повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования и является участником Новосибирской открытой образовательной сети |