No. 4 (2016)Teacher’s ICT Competence as the Basis for Successful Professional ActivityIn the article we prove the efficiency of ICT-use in the educational process on the basis of our teaching experience. Keywords: lesson, information and communication technology, competence, structure of activities, informational and educational environment. The Model of Engineering Education in School: Experience, Perspectives, DevelopmentIn the article we present the experience of the Second Novosibirsk grammar school in the integration of engineering education into educational process. Keywords: technological innovation, competitiveness, engineering thinking, space selection, competences, CDIO Standard. The Formation of Children and Adults Communities in Virtual RealityIn the article we attempt to develop some ways to solve a number of problems of the new teacher’s standard. We offer an effective solution to the problem of uniting all participants of educational relations around the child, using a friendly space for all the children that is the virtual world. Keywords: virtual space, teacher’s standard, extracurricular activities. Teacher’s Professionalism in Subject Olympiad: Russian Language and LiteratureThe article summarizes the experience of the subject olympiad "The Teacher of Russian Language and Literature is a Professional". We analyze some problems of pedagogical professionalism that have been found during the implementation of creative tasks and testing by teachers. Keywords: teacher’s professionalism, teacher’s competence, subject olympiad, Russian language and literature. Modern Requirements: Creating a Positive Image of an Educational InstitutionPositive orientation of the youth to receive vocational training in a particular institution is determined by the image of the educational organization in many respects. When forming a positive image on the market of educational services, the institution is necessary to identify its strengths and weaknesses to determine priorities and strategies of further work. Keywords: image of educational institution, vocational education, criterion of positive image, the strategy of image formation. The Role of E-learning in the Development of Innovative Environment of Educational OrganizationIn the article we describe the experience of the Novosibirsk grammar school No. 16 on the creation and development of innovative educational environment as complex system changes which provide motivational involvement of all participants of educational relations in the productive interaction. It meets the objectives of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, which indicates the need for a new understanding of the role of education as a strategic resource of society. Developing Responsible Behavior of Students in Primary ClassesSome questions of nurturing responsible behavior of primary school students under the informatization of the educational process are presented in the article. We propose our cycles of classroom hours. Keywords: education, responsibility, behavior, informatization of the educational process, classroom hour, primary school pupil, parents’ meeting, cooperation. Сайт поддерживается в Новосибирском институте повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования и является участником Новосибирской открытой образовательной сети |