No. 4 (2016)Modern Educational Policy of Novosibirsk RegionThe article presents the priorities of the education policy of Novosibirsk region in preschool, general and additional education. Keywords: education, education policy, the Federal State Educational Standard. Regional Educational Process: Legislative AspectsThe article presents the main aspects of the regional educational policy. Keywords: educational system, educational space, development strategy. Polytechnism as a Condition of the Development of the Modern Russian SchoolThe article contains the author's position on the polytechnic content of general education. Keywords: polytechnic education, polytechnic content of education, modern school, the development of manufacturing industries, economic development of the country. Methodology of Modern Vocational Education for Teachers and the Theory of Cultural Self-determination of a PersonalityWe present philosophical aspects of vocational education and the resources of the philosophy of dialogism. Keywords: moral nurturing and education, understanding, vocational programs. School Mathematics: Problems and PerspectivesWe consider some problems and perspectives of school mathematics education, and present a vision of ways to enhance the quality of mathematical preparation of students. Areas of work with mathematically gifted children, and forms of specialized training are systemized. Profile and specialized education tasks, the role of information technology in mathematical education are determined in particular. Keywords: school mathematics education, multilevel textbooks, mathematically gifted children, information technology in mathematical education. Methodical activity of teachers and methodical support of an educational processThe article is devoted to methodical competency and methodical activity of teachers as a necessary condition for methodical maintenance development of an educational process. The author suggests a model of methodical support of methodical activity of teachers. Keywords: methodical maintenance, methodical activity, methodical support, methodical competency Personal and Role-based Approach to the Students’ Self-directed Work Planning while Preparing for the Unified State Exam in MathematicsThe main purpose of the article is the theoretical basis and technological description of non-traditional approach to the organization of students’ self-directed activity in the preparation for the exam in mathematics. Keywords: final examination, unified state exam, self-directed work, personal approach, role approach. Philosophy of Education: The Contradiction Between Training and ServicesThe article attempts to analyze the emergence of the new trend in higher education that is the rendering of services, which displaces the traditional goal of teaching. We analyze the similarities and differences of the essence of learning and rendering educational services. Keywords: real education, contradiction, tendency, training, services, feedback, dialogue, monetary economy, formal education. The Organization of Targeted Professional Development of Heads of Secondary Schools of Novosibirsk Region on the Municipality and the Regional Level: Problems and SolutionsWe describe the approaches to the use of evaluation of professional competence of heads of secondary schools of Novosibirsk region in the organization of their targeted professional development. Keywords: evaluation of professional competencies, professional deficiencies, individual educational routes, the development of professional competencies. Axiological Aspects in Teacher’s EducationIn the article we consider the axiological problem of training students of the pedagogical education direction and foreign language profile in the process of studying the pedagogical values course. Тhe practical output of students implementing the acquired knowledge and skills during project activities is analyzed. Keywords: axiology, value, training of future teacher, traditional values, educational values. Сайт поддерживается в Новосибирском институте повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования и является участником Новосибирской открытой образовательной сети |