Plato’s Objective Idealism and Philosophy of Education

The article examines the philosophy of education of the outstanding representative of Ancient Greece, philosopher and teacher Plato (5th century BC). We need its knowledge, firstly, to understand how the formation of philosophical and pedagogical thought took place in Ancient Greece; secondly, to find out which educational concepts Plato borrowed from his teacher Socrates, and which ones are novices of him.

To the Question of the Contribution of Philosophical and Pedagogical Concepts of Friedrich Froebel in the System Education

The article deals with the philosophical and pedagogical concepts of the German philosopher-teacher of the late 18th and early 19th centuries Friedrich Froebel, whose merit to the Western European education system is expressed in the fact that he was one of the first to develop a methodology for the work of kindergartens in the upbringing and education of young children. The purpose of the research is to solve the following tasks through the prism of F. Froebel's philosophical and pedagogical concepts.
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