A modern lesson in elementary school: Features of designing and secrets of skill

 The article presents a scientific and methodical analysis of lessons conducted by the participants of the regional competition of professional skills "My best lesson" for primary school teachers. It is noted that the competition is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding teacher Taisia Prokopievna Komarova, primary school teacher of the Krasnokameshok school of the Suzun district of the Novosibirsk region, Hero of Socialist Labor. The article highlights its high social and professional value for workers of primary education in the region. The features of designing a modern lesson are exemplified by the example of subjects: Russian language, literature reading, mathematics, the surrounding world and technology. The authors of the article — the specialists of the Department of Primary Education of Novosibirsk TU and RI (Teachers’ Upgrading and Retraining Institute) emphasize the requirements of FSES PGE to the modern lesson in general and specify the key elements of its design and implementation by the example of the winners of the regional competition. The conclusions contain both positive and problematic features of the development of the primary education of the Novosibirsk region, revealed during the study of competitive lessons presented by the winners of the municipal stage of the contest in various districts of the region.

Keywords: primary school, lesson, competition, Russian language, mathematics, literature reading, the surrounding world, technology, integration.

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