Novel Five-Year Time Period of Development of Novosibirsk Teachers’ Upgrading and Retraining Institute History

The Novosibirsk Teachers’ Upgrading and Retraining Institute (on: the Institute) as one of the leaders of the system of Russian educational organization of optional professional education of a pedagogue is characterized by the dynamic development due to the priorities of Federal and regional politics. The conceptuality of reorganization and development activities of the Institute considers a number of approaches as axiology, competence and andragogy. Goal. The topical Concept of the development trends of the Institute in terms of the further development of the methodology of the research of the regional system of recurrent professional education. Methodology and materials of the research. Problem statement of the scientific research in terms of the methodology concepts both under critical consideration of the literary resources on the problem under discussion, as well as in terms of theoretical understanding, generalization, and replication of advanced pedagogical experience. Scientific novelty/theoretical significance/practical value. Applicability of the value approach in terms of the parametries for the unified information and educational spaces of interaction of all the participants of the development of the Institute. Theoretical significance. Determination of the basics for parameterization of the local educational environment based on the results of clarifying the resource capabilities of the regional system of recurrent professional pedagogical education. Practical value. Intellectual resources usage of the Institute in terms of scientific and methodological support of a modern educator for the implementation of current advanced activities in accord with the duties of a pedagogue and a tutor/mentor within the spaces of the project and implementation of optional professional programs, the scientific and methodical support for municipal associations, the methodical support of regional projects and programs. Results of this search highlight the determination of the axiological issues for improving the methodology of the unified information and further educational environment research of the Institute. That is why the implementation of additional professional development and professional retraining programs is carried out in accord with the updated legislation in terms of education based on openness, transparency, productivity, taking into account the needs of consumers of educational services in the context of increased multitask development of professional competencies of regional teachers. Discussion and Conclusions. A critical analysis of the work carried out by the Institute staff over the past five years gives grounds for the identification of promising areas for improving the educational system within the framework of the priorities of the state, society and man. The materials of this article will be of use for the heads of educational organizations, representatives (employees) of institutions of advanced training and additional education of teachers.
Keywords: priorities of federal and regional ideology, professional educator development
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