Teachers council by correspondence

The Program of Formation of the Universal Educational Activities in Students with Limited Health Abilities in Primary School: Methodological Orientations

We propose some methodological recommendations for the development of the program of formation of universal educational activities, corresponding to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education for students with limited health abilities, and younger students with mental retardation.

Keywords: the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education, universal educational activities, basic educational activities, inclusion of education, limited health abilities, mental retardation.

From the Federal State Educational Standards to the Educational Standards for Children with Limited Health Abilities

In the article we give a comparative analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary education and Educational Standards for primary school students with limited health abilities.

Keywords: the Federal State Educational Standard of primary education, children with limited health abilities, special educational conditions.

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Inclusive Education in Primary Schools: Pedagogical Diagnostics on Drawing Lessons

We propose a diagnostics method to evaluate the motor dexterity, coordination of fine movements while drawing, to determine a child's ability to focus on a plane, his integral perception, spatial patterns. This method helps to identify emotional attitude to fine art activity and creativity of the child.

Keywords: pedagogical diagnostics, diagnostics of actual level of fine art features, individual dynamics of fine art possibilities.

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The Development of Student with Limited Health Abilities by Means of Theater and Music

We present the secondary school “Perspective” experience of use theater and music-based activities in correctional development work with younger students with limited health abilities. Particular attention is paid to the effectiveness of these types of activities in the development of these children’s memory.

Keywords: theater and music-based activity, children with limited health abilities, correctional and educational tasks, the development of memory.

Hippotherapy in the Structure of Correctional and Educational Work with Children of Preschool Age with Disturbances in the Musculoskeletal System and Speech

We describe the experience of using hippotherapy to rehabilitate children of preschool age with disturbances in the musculoskeletal system, and show the possibilities of hippotherapy for motor development.

Keywords: hippotherapy, children with limited health abilities.

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Using Fairy Tales in Correctional Work with Preschool Children

In the article we present the method of using fairy tales for correcting language development of children with severe speech disorders. Fairy tales are important in increasing motivation for speaking, correcting disorders of phonetic-phonemic, lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, and developing of coherent speech. We disclose stages of work; give some examples of methodological techniques that are used in the structure of correctional and speech therapy.

“Connective Thread of Times”: Experience of Use Pedagogical Project in the Structure of Preschool Education of Children with Visual Impairments

We describe the experience of educational activity of a teacher on the socialization of children with visual impairments by means of folklore, decorative applied arts.

Keywords: visual impairments, thread graphics techniques, the development of visual perception, motor skills in hands, correction, compensation.

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Picture Graphics Modeling: The Formation of Coherent Speech in Preschool Children with Speech Disturbances

We describe the possibilities and advantages of using picture graphics modeling for the formation of coherent monologue speech in preschool children with the general speech underdevelopment.

Keywords: picture graphics modeling, coherent monologue speech, general speech underdevelopment.

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Possibilities of Speech Therapy Rhythmic for Correcting Speech Disturbances of Preschoolers

In the article we describe the potential of speech therapy rhythmic as a correctional technique in working with children with speech disturbances. The content of this technique is disclosed on the basis of its musical-motor and motor-speech means.

Keywords: speech therapy rhythmic (logo rhythmic), movement, rhythm.

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Professional Orientation of Students with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disabilities) in the System of Social Labor Adaptation

The article is devoted to the one of the most actual problems of the modern oligophrenopedagogics, that is a professional orientation of students with mental retardation. We give an overview of the features of professional self-determination, the specifics of professional orientation of students with intellectual disabilities, and present the experience of the work of the regional professional orientation festival for graduates of special (correctional) schools (VIII type).

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