Teachers council by correspondence

"Meet the Judiciary System": The Development of Social Competence and Law Culture of Students in the Course of Social and Educational Project

In the article we examine social and pedagogical conditions and possibilities of juridical socialization of students. The experience of implementing the unique social and educational project “Meet the Judiciary System” is presented.

Keywords: law culture, social competence, the methodology of teaching law, social and teaching activi-ties.

Meanings of Education: Professional Pedagogical Interaction during Flash Workshop

We present our practical experience on discussing topical issues of education during flash workshop, which has taken place at the XVI Conference of Teachers of Novosibirsk region.

Keywords: professional pedagogical interaction at brief meeting, drama of professional pedagogical interaction, meaningful professional expert discussion.

Socio-pedagogical Interaction on the Example of Ecological Education

We describe administrative actions and mechanisms to establish interaction between school educational society and civil society for sustainable development of ecological education in the framework of a unified educational space of the city. The stages of the formation of social and pedagogical interaction are presented on the example of a school complex target program "Family".

Keywords: state public management, social and pedagogical interaction, education for sustainable development, a unified educational space of the city.

Geophysical Teaching Materials for Forming Scientific Outlook of Students

We regard the elements of forming students’ scientific outlook at the lessons of physics by means of geophysical teaching materials.

Keywords: scientific outlook, geophysics, geophysical teaching materials.

Developing Cognitive Activity of Future Teachers by Means of Extracurricular Activities

In the article we present our experience of developing cognitive activity of students by means of extracurricular activities.

Keywords: extracurricular activity, extracurricular work, out-of-school work, content, forms, criteria, cognitive activity.

Logical Skills as the Subject of Assessment of School Interdisciplinary Learning Outcomes for Mathematics

In the article we consider the problem of improving the professional competence of a mathematics teacher in assessing interdisciplinary learning outcomes.

Keywords: interdisciplinary outcomes, logical skills, mathematics, pupils, assessment, criteria, levels.

The Organization of Educational Process on the Basis of Remote Technologies

The article describes the experience of the Novosibirsk French grammar school No. 16 in organizing e-learning and using remote technologies.

Keywords: remote learning technologies, high quality education, regional project, monitoring.

Additional Vocational Education in the SVE System

In this article we search the problem of the current state and trends in the development of additional vocational education in colleges and vocational schools on the example of the Novosibirsk Aircraft Technical College named after B. S. Galushchak.

Keywords: continuing education, additional vocational education, secondary vocational education (SVE), the SVE system, adult education, college.

About Educational Program on Financial Competence for Various Categories of Students

The article describes the experience of Siberian institute of Management on the implementation of a new educational program of additional professional education (upgrading) «Content and methodology of teaching of the course of financial competence for various categories of students”, focused on formation and development of educative-informative environment for teachers to create conditions for upgrading of financial competence of the public.

Keywords: financial competence, educational program, students, teachers, upgrading of financial competence.

The System of the Pedagogical Impacts in Terms of Environmental Culture Education of Health and Safety Lifestyle of School Students

The article depicts the problem of creation of the system of the pedagogical impacts in terms of environmental culture education of health and safety lifestyle of school students of 7-11 forms during the environment lessons and outside of the class hours. Environment subject course is structured.

Keywords: Environment education, environmentalization of school content, efficacy assessment of teaching, sustainable growth.

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