Teachers council by correspondence

The Role of Mentoring for Professional Becoming of Young Teachers

This article stresses the applicability of mentoring institute in the modern system of education, it analyzes the needs of young teachers in mentor.

Keywords: mentor, mentoring institute, adaptation.

Identifying and developing the abilities of students

The article deals with the problem of identifying and developing skills of the child. Its relevance is due to the fact that the organization of the educational process comes down to achieve educational success from students. Aspects of self-understanding, special methods of work with the individuality of children in public schools are minimized.

Keywords: аbility, curriculum, the problem, detection, the study, education, relevance.

The Development of Information Educational Environment of Schools of Kochenyovsky District, Novosibirsk region

The article discusses the actual theme of providing quality educational services in the schools of Kochenyovsky District.

Keywords: education, information and educational environment, information and communication technology, the quality of education, rural schools.

Achievement of Planned Educational Outcomes in Primary Schools

The article describes an algorithm of teacher activities on creating necessary conditions for learning process of primary school students where each of them will reach personal, metadisciplinary and subject results as a part of requirements to basic educational program of primary general education.
Keywords: educational outcomes, expected results, the algorithm of teacher activities, basic educational program of primary general education.

Debatable Questions of Historical Science in the Context of Teacher Training

The article presents a version of teachers' subject-methodical training for schoolteaching the controversial issues of a social - humanitarian science in the system of advanced training. Thematic content on the basis of which the given practical training is realising is viewed from the perspective of the author's specially developed modular unit course and from the point of view of providing the course manuals and workbooks.

Keywords: historiographycal sheets, methods of stages of the educational process, methodical training, the system of advanced training.

The Effect of Moral and Ethical Standards in the Development of Civil Society

This article deals with the particular features of the civil society formation under the influence of moral and ethical standards. The article reveals the peculiarities and the role of customs and traditions in the development of civil society. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the development of civil society in Russia, the influence of historical and geographical factors. The article presents the data of opinion polls showing the moral and spiritual attitude of the citizens.

Organizational Properties of the Junior High School Students' Education in Conditions of Informatization

This article deals with the questions of younger schoolboys' modern education in conditions of informatization in the unity of educational, extra curricular and after-school activities. The stages of the research and experimental work towards primary school pupils' moral behavior formation during the first four years are highlighted in the article. It proposes all forms of cooperation with the participants of the educational relationship, including parents, staff, Information Library Center and additional education teachers.

Distance Technologies for Expanding the Educational Route of Gifted Students

The article describes the experience of the gymnasium № 16 "French" in the implementation of the regional project "Networking distance school of Novosibirsk region." Using the distance technologies allows teachers to meet different educational needs of gifted students and to organize targeted individual lessons.

Keywords: e-learning, distance education technologies, gifted children.

Education Divergent Thinking - Resource Development of Creative Abilities

In the article the description of closed-ended and open-ended tasks is represented. The author reveals the problems of developing creative capabilities by the way of divergent thinking education and presents the tasks focusing on the formation of divergent thinking.

Keywords: education, convergent thinking, divergent thinking, creative capability, open-ended tasks.

Children's Puppet Show as a Unity of Creative and Pedagogical Problems

In this article we are talking about children's puppet show which is practically not been studied as an integral phenomenon. The phenomenon is caused by the unity of its creative and pedagogical problems. They are: the exact age-oriented focus, the complex of artistic expression means , setting for the exclusively positive life experiences, simplicity and accessibility for perception. The most important is the way of realization of artistic and imaginative content of the play with puppets. It is the subject of child's everyday life.

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