Modern Educational Policy of Novosibirsk Region

The article presents the priorities of the education policy of Novosibirsk region in preschool, general and additional education.

Keywords: education, education policy, the Federal State Educational Standard.

The Modernization of Vocational Education and the Development of Innovative Activity in the Novo-sibirsk Region

In the article we identify the conditions and opportunities for the development of research, innovation and business activity in educational institutions of higher education of Novosibirsk region, and show integrative inter-institutional communication. Some management processes of implementing government programs in terms of promoting innovation are analyzed.

Keywords: science, innovation, higher education, integrative inter-institutional communication, government programs.

Educational space of Novosibirsk region: vectors of development and growing-points

The article investigates educational space of Novosibirsk region, prioraties and perspectives of educa-tional growth are observed.

Keyword: science, innovation, high education, integration intercollegiate associations, national pro-gramme.

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