No. 6 (2021)Requirements for Foreign Language Textbooks in the PRC (University Level)The article analyzes the requirements for foreign language textbooks in China. It seems that the textbook reflects the needs of society and the government in the field of training specialists who can speak in a foreign language. On the other hand, the textbook forms the worldview, embodies the values and norms existing in the country. An analysis of the requirements for foreign language textbooks in the PRC showed the dynamics in approaches to learning a foreign language from cross-cultural to practice-oriented, from recognition to activity.
Analysis of the results of the performances of the participants of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren on the subject “Physical culture”The introduction presents the structure of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, its stages. Some difficulties in its organization and attitude towards it in comparison with other subject Olympiads are noted.
The effect of swimming on the state of motor coordination in primary school children with autismThe article is devoted to the description of the influence of swimming on the coordination state of movements in primary school children with autism, which can be used in the processes of integration and inclusion of children with disabilities in the environment of normally developing peers, as well as ensure, on the one hand, their rights, and, on the other, social activity. The described research methods can become the basis for the inclusion of swimming lessons in the rehabilitation program for children with autism.
The Experience of the Oriental Museum in Lisbon in the Context of Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Asian ArtRecently, there has been a growing interest among academic circles in the theoretical generalization of the process of decolonization of Asian collections of museums in Europe. The pathos of such publications is that museum objects should be freed from interpretations in terms of past colonial policies, allowing museums to recreate the original cultural context of the exhibits.
Psychological Mechanisms of Intergenerational Communication through the History of the Agavelyan’s Family: In the Ways of the Unknown Pages of the «Normandie-Niemen» Air RegimentThe psychological determinants of the relationship among grandfathers, fathers, and grandchildren of veterans are substantiated. Various viewpoints on the connections within the relationship of these generations are characterized. The intergenerational connection influence on the life and aspirations of the descendants is described. The "Siberian trace" on "Normandie-Niemen" Air regiment is revealed. Documents and memories of the veterans are systematized.
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