A. N. Velichko

Thematic Activities of After-hour Activities in Physics to Implement the Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards

The Article is devoted to the description of the experience of the organization of extracurricular activities in physics. It determines the significance of extracurricular activities for the formation of the motive for learning, cognitive interest and, as a consequence, the formation of cognitive actions of a generalized nature. It is said about the place of extracurricular activities in the implementation of the second generation standard.

Assessment of the Experimental Tasks of General State Physics ExaminationAssessment of the Experimental Tasks of General State Physics Examination

The article reviews peculiarities of experimental task of the general state physics exam and its assessment. Assessment criteria of experimental tasks are analyzed. Types of experimental tasks have been defined, comparison of criteria for different types of these tasks have been made. Analysis data has been presented in the form of tables. Formulations have been offered, which concretize and supplement the criteria of the assessment.

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