Teachers council by correspondence

Professional creativity as a Condition for the Professional Training of a Specialist

The article discusses the experience of forming the foundations for professional creative activity of students, given the example of training specialists in educational institutions of secondary vocational education. The relevance of the issue is closely related to the introduction of foreign production technologies at domestic enterprises. The influence of the experience of participation of students in professional competitions on the formation of a creative personality is considered.

Heuristic Conversation in the Lesson of Repetition

An important methodological technique for involving students in active mental activity is the creation and resolution of problem situations. The article presents fragments of a lesson in repetition of mathematical material, in which the resolution of problem situations that arose when solving problems of increased difficulty, in most cases, occurred in the course of a heuristic conversation. Summing up the results of the geometry lesson, conducted by the author at the Novosibirsk Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No.

Teacher Evaluation Competencies as a Component of Intra-School Assessment

The all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education requires schools to be active in building internal assessment p systems based on the unique needs of the school for the quality of education. Such needs should be reflected in the internal requirements not only for the educational results of students, but also for the content and conditions of the implementation of educational programs. The main direction of internal assessment of personnel conditions is the assessment of teaching staff.

The Essence of the Process of Creative Development of Children in the Context of Art Classes in the Environment of Additional Education

In this article the author discusses the need to change approaches to teaching children in art classes. As an example the piano class of the additional education system is considered. An overview of the consideration of the concept of "creativity" and the essence of "creative development of children" by leading pedagogical schools is given.

Formation of Reading Readiness of Younger Schoolboys as a Condition of Their Social and Communicative Development

Reading literacy is considered as one of the conditions for the social and communicative development of children, and the need for reading is one of the indicators of successful socialization. The article describes the methodological techniques for the formation of reading literacy of younger schoolchildren and its impact on social and communicative development.

Conferences as a means of involving students in research activities

This article discusses the results of the work of the section "Informatics" at city conferences, held on the basis of Youth art center “Yunior” in spring 2018, analyzes the activities of students in grades 3–8 of schools in Novosibirsk to involve them in research. Two conferences were held - for primary schoolchildren and for middle school students. Analyzed the answers of the conference participants to the questions of the questionnaire concerning the activity of schoolchildren in the selection of the research topic, participation in the research.

Implementation of the Classical Principles of Education by Means of Origami

The article deals with such concepts as the environment with the conditions of self-organization, structural human activity, a synergistic approach. The role of sensory forms of knowledge of the geometrical laws of the construction of real world models and analytical-synthetic design activities in creating an educational environment with full existence and beneficial conditions for children's self-organization is analyzed.

Learning to Read Globally in the Primary School for the «English-Focus 2–4» Training and Methodological Complex

This article is devoted to the comparison of the existing methods of teaching primary school students to read in English. There are 2 widespread methods — a traditional one (when students learn the rules of reading) and the whole-word one (when students read words as a whole unit). The article states the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, concentrating on the psychological characteristics of primary school students. The author comes to the conclusion, that the only right way is to combine these methods, as it was done in Spotlight 2–4.

Some of the Learning Strategies that Empower Teaching English with Letterland

The article focuses on the original technology of the author that can empower teaching English with Letterland. For many years educators in English-speaking countries rejected traditional teaching of phonics, believing that because English spelling is so irregular, to give priority to teaching letter sounds was too difficult and confusing. It required too much rote learning, it was unpopular and boring for 5–7 year-olds, and worse, it gave them a distaste for reading.

Regional History in the Formation and Development of the Personality of Students

The article focuses on the role of the regional history in the formation and development of the personality of students. This study is not only the outline of the key milestones in the history of the region, but also serves for the scrupulous investigation of numerous historical facts and events whose influence was great enough to speak about the phenomenon of Western Siberia in different aspects and from different viewpoints for the formation and development of the personality of both students and pedagogues.

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