Research quest

Dysgraphia Mechanisms of Younger Schoolchildren with Different Lateral Organization of Sensorimotor Functions

We present a comparative analysis of the mechanisms of writing disorders of children with different lateral organization of sensorimotor functions. The determination of lateral phenotype of children is given in accordance with the approaches of E. Chomskaya. We reveal similarities and differences in symptoms and mechanisms of disorders of speech and writing of students with different types of lateral organization profile (pure right-handed, right-handed, ambidextrous, and left-handed).

Young Children’s Motor Development

We describe in detail the specifics of motor development of children up to three years of age.

Keywords: motor skills, motor ontogeny, motor development.

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Features of the Understanding and Using of Phraseology in the Speech of the Senior Preschool Age Children with Mental Retardation

We analyze the features of understanding and using of phraseology in the speech of the senior preschool age children with mental retardation.

Keywords: phraseology, idiomatic expression, mental retardation.

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The Formation of the Mechanism of Perception and Understanding of the Person’s Voice in Students with Mental Retardation in Accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

In the article we consider some issues related to the formation of the mechanism of perception and understanding of the person’s voice in students with mental retardation. Experimental voice identifying results of adolescents with intellectual disabilities are given.

Keywords: student with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), the Federal State Educational Standard for teaching students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), perception, understanding, person, voice.

Inclusive Education: Interpersonal Relationships of Children with Limited Health Abilities in a Group of Peers

We describe the results of a study (2013–2014) in some educational institutions implementing inclusive education in the Novosibirsk region. The study found that children with limited health abilities studied in inclusive classrooms were better included in interpersonal relationships than their peers studied individually. This was confirmed by their high sociometric status and small amount of bad choices.

Keywords: inclusive education, children with limited health abilities, sociometrics, interpersonal relationships.

English Lessons as a Means of Formation of Tolerant Attitude towards Children with Limited Health Abilities in Terms of Inclusive Education

We discuss the problem of tolerance to the schoolchildren with limited health abilities, and suppose that inclusive education can provoke to unfavorable psychological climate in children’s collective. It is proposed to solve this problem through systematic studying and discussing people with limited health abilities at English lessons before the introduction of inclusive education in schools.

Keywords: children with limited health abilities, tolerance, inclusion, English lesson.

Primary School Children with Limited Health Abilities: Value Attitude Towards Themselves

The article deals with the differential study of personal problems of younger students with limited health abilities. We present the results of a comparative analysis of normally developing younger students and students with disabilities, and search their value attitude towards themselves.

Keywords: person with limited health abilities, personal problems, value attitude, self-sufficiency, self-acceptance, directedness of desires.

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Features of Emotional and Volitional Competence of Adults with Stuttering

We present the results of a study of emotional and volitional competence of adult stutterers. The results allow us to speak about its originality formed at the same time under the influence of speech disorders and surrounding social reality.

Keywords: emotional and volitional competence, anxiety, emotional orientation of a person, stuttering, glossophobia.

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Improving the Content of Informal Continuing Teacher’s Training

In the article we deal with the ways of improving the content of informal continuing teacher’ training. They include the implementation of the regional principle in teaching students and the development of educational clusters combining educational activities of technical universities and Technical lyceum No. 176 of Karasuk and Kulunda in Novosibirsk region.

Keywords: informal continuing training, improving the discipline content, regional principle in training, educational cluster.

Teaching Giftedness as a Source of Teacher's Professional Skills Development

In the article, we present our general model of giftedness, consisting of one core and some factors affecting the level of appearance (realization) of the basic components of the core. Taking into account an orthogonal approach to the structure of personality by V. Rybalka, we have proposed pedagogical model of giftedness, consisting of components such as teaching abilities, pedagogical creativity, intellectual abilities, pedagogical orientation.

Keywords: giftedness, educational giftedness, pedagogical skills, pedagogical creativity.

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