Financial Literacy in Mathematics Lessons as an Important Event of the Updated Federal State Educational Standard of the primary general education: Methodological Recommendations

The article is devoted to the relevance, content and methodology of the formation of financial literacy in mathematics lessons in elementary school as a condition for the effective implementation of the updated federal state educational standard. Financial literacy is considered as one of the areas of functional literacy. Methodological innovations are presented for the effective formation of financial literacy in the context of the use of existing mathematics textbooks, taking into account the results and materials of the international study of the quality of education PISA.

The Project Approach to the Development of Financial Culture in an Educational Organization

This paper reveals the logic and structure of the advanced training program for educational leaders through the project approach. As a result, the basic elements of the educational model for the development of financial culture in an educational organization are presented. In conclusion, the authors state the fact that the teacher has the opportunity to build up the system for the formation of a culture of competent financial behavior of children, adults, pensioners, and other target audiences.
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