Teachers council by correspondence

Influence of the Subscription of Childhood on the Development of the Personality of the Child

Junior school age is one of the most important periods in a person's life. At this time, there is a primary socialization, the formation of the personality, the beginning of the formation of self-esteem, the formation of the basic features of personality and qualities. The formation and development of the child's personality is influenced by physiological and mental characteristics, environmental characteristics, social environment. At children of younger school age there is an improvement of cognitive processes and the higher mental functions.

Community "Virtual Travelers" in Primary School

This article presents the experience of the "student-teacher-parent" community, its role in organizing and conducting virtual tours with the goal of forming representations of a holistic picture of the world, increasing cognitive activity, forming various types of universal educational activities in the context of standard. The authors of the article analyzed the conceptual field on the topic of the article, established the connection between the needs of the modern student and the state's regulatory requirements.

The role of Children-Adult Communities in the Socialization of Younger Schoolchildren

Professional standard today requires the teacher's ability to form children's and adult communities, to know their social and psychological characteristics, patterns of development. The creation of adult-child communities helps to solve the problem of socialization of primary school students, i.e. their inclusion in public life. In this article, the authors present their experience in creating adult-child communities for the purpose of socialization of students.

Interdisciplinary Communication as a Means of Integrity in the Process of Formation of Communicative Competence of Students

In the article there is an argumentation about the necessity to develop communication skills of students through the implementation of operational activity and substantial inter-subject relations, which leads to qualitative changes in ways of cognitive activity of students, their competency. The interdisciplinary is done in the study of similar objects and concepts (culture, communication, arguments).

Using Problem-Based-Learning Scenarios for Training Primary School Teachers

 We present the experience of implementing problem-based learning. The methodology of holding seminars-tutorials where students discuss the problem-case is shown. Three possible problem-case scenarios for studying methods of teaching Russian language are considered.

Primary School Teacher’s Professional Mobility as a Significant Condition for the Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

 The article provides a brief overview of the types of mobility. We describe our analysis of groups of teachers of different ages in order to determine the level of formation of their professional mobility. 

Elementary Music Education: Sources of General and Professional Culture

The article is devoted to the elementary music education aimed at the development of foundations of general and professional musical culture. We emphasize common origins of these foundations caused of centuries-old traditions and based on the classical musical heritage.

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