Problem outline

The first phase of the System of environmental Education in the Context of Sustainable Human Development

The article presents the author's view of the features of the ecological education of junior school students in the traditional and prognostic aspects of globalization of the idea of sustainable development of mankind. Analysis of the materials of international strategy and a significant amount of educational research on the issue allowed the authors to identify promising areas of scientific and methodological inquiry in basic environmental education.

Integrated Processes in Education as Innovative Efforts: Methodological and Technological Issues

The paper provides the authors’ view-point on the opportunities of integrated processes (IP) as innovative efforts in investigating methodological and technological aspects of modern education. The basic claim in this paper is that the integrated processes in education have to reflect both humanitarian and natural approaches, used in teaching new generation, because traditional activities cannot incorporate the wide repertoire of development activities found in everyday life of man.

Educational Services in the Russian Education

The article considers the essence and structure of the category "educational services", included in the modern educational reality, main approaches to analysing the problem in the Russian pedagogical science are observed.

Keywords: educational services, educational activities, educational relationship.

Revival of national idea of patriotism as ideology

The article shows patriotism as unfying idea of Russian society which was always multinational and multireligius. Work experience on harmonisation of interethnic relationship and realisation of the strategy of state national politics of Russian Federation till 2025 and in Novosibirsk region for 2016-2018 is stated.

Keywords: patriotism, civicism, national patriotism, civic patriotism, national idea, ideology, consciousness of a citizen.

The Study of Educational Talent Resource Opportunities of Personal-Biographical Method

The key aspects of the study of the phenomenon of «educational talent» are highlighted in this article. It is made on the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis of the special literature on the problems of personal and professional development of creatively gifted practicing teachers.

Value-Semantic Outlines of Person's Healthy Lifestyle

The article deals with the item of the reproduction of a healthy lifestyle as an individual activity. Its effectiveness and sustainability are ensured by means of a special moral personality organization, a system of values what is in fact the main object of studying.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle, a system of values, personality, education, lifestyle.

The Dialogue with the World and Oneself: Self-Portrait as a Form of Students' Self-Awareness and Creative Self-Determination

The problems of modern students' self-knowledge and self-education are highlighted in the article. The author studies the possible ways of gaining the experience of self-discovery at the lessons of World Сulture by the high school students. We give methodological comments of the author's lesson "Self-portrait: the search for yourself or a dialogue with the audience."
Keywords:self-experience, students' creative self-determination, developing space of world culture lesson, value-semantic outlines and methodical bases of grafic self-portrait.

Realization of Educational Mathematics Potential under the Federal State Educational Standard by means of Methodical Innovations

The article discloses a reasonable and educational potential of mathematics education under the modern conditions of the Federal State Educational Standards' implementation based on the analysis of the standard requirements to the personal results. The examples of methodological innovation in mathematics education in order to achieve personal results are given in the article.

Keywords: methodological innovations, the primary mathematics education, the educational potential of mathematics education, the Federal State Educational Standard to personal requirements.

Formation of Communicative Skills of Students with Disabilities: from Experience

This article deals with the problem of development and formation of the communicative competence of students with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system within the framework of a week of correctional pedagogy. The importance of development of communicative actions providing the students' social competence allowing to build them productive relationships with the others is underlined in the article.

Keywords: communicative skills, students with disabilities, training.

Problems in Forming Scientific Literacy of Primary School Students

We raise the issue of scientific literacy of students. Some data from international comparative studies are given.

Keywords: scientific literacy, cognitive method, research.

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