Problem outline

Dual Approach in Education

The article discusses possibility of creation of conditions for students to acquire new knowledge and experience with use of dual training as a part of professional educational institution. Activity of the institution of Professional Education on training of the specialists in the area of technical support service and automotive maintenance with the application of new teaching techniques, which are based on cooperation of an educational institution and an employer is analyzed.

Resource c en te r in the system of technological training of school students

The article is devoted to the actual topic, related to the search for ways to increase senior high school students motivation for the choice of an educational institution and to acquire a profession. This direction at school is realized mainly by the educational area "Technology". The article shows tasks of the educational area, problems connected with its realization, and with personnel training. The experience of its realization is considered, which is related to activity of work training center (WTC). Identified the shortcomings of education system.

Renewal of the System of Labor Nurturing and Education as a Country-wide Issue

This article follows the topic raised by the author in the earlier publications [1, 2, 3]. Country development firstly expects standing on the strong economy. Here appears demand in the flow of labor resources with task oriented training, working, pre-professional and further professional education.

Educative Discipline-specific Cluster as a Tool for Professional Training of Specialists

The process of social and economic development of the country is specified by new innovations including the foundation
of different types of clusters which are becoming the centers of integration and concentration of enterprises, scientific
institutions and educational organizations. The educational and industrial clusters play a special role, since they integrate
the educational institutions of different levels and educational program specialization interconnected with each other

Informatization of Education: From Innovation to Standard

In the article we consider the problems of informatization of education.

Keywords: informatization of education, information and communication technologies, educational process, information environment, self-directed educational activity.

Online Distance School of Novosibirsk Region. Intellectualization of Learning Management System

In the article we present the opportunities of e-learning system for distance teachers in the development of student individualized instruction within the framework of the Online Distance School of Novosibirsk Region project.

Keywords: e-learning, learning process management, learning individualization, agent systems.

E-Learning Technology in Higher School

In the article we examine current trends and issues in higher education. The features of e-learning, functions of a teacher, possible directions and goals of further training of teachers are described.

Keywords: e-learning, the possibilities and limitations of e-learning, e-learning model, new functions of a teacher, professional development of a teacher.

WebQuests in Educational Process: Peculiarities and Problems of Using

In the article we describe some problems of implementing webquests in the educational process.

Keywords: webquests, online resources, forms of work, educational process, methods.

The Risks of Using Information Technologies in Education

In this article we discuss the risks associated with the computerization of modern society and the use of information technology in teaching. Based on the analysis of a number of sources, we consider the classification of information risks, the mechanism of the impact on users, as well as proposed in the sources of their means of prevention.

Keywords: information technology in teaching, informatization of education, information risks, the need for information, user’s information culture.

Children in Terms of Digital Culture

In the article we discuss specific problems related to the development of children’s learning abilities in terms of the formation of digital culture.

Keywords: education, children, learning abilities, the 6th technological mode.

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