Problem outline

The Difficulties of Social and Pedagogical Support of Gifted Preschoolers

The problem of giftedness has always attracted and attracts the attention of researchers in the field of pedagogy and psychology. Scientists are unanimous in the necessity of the specifics in the development of a gifted child.These features require the organization of a special work with gifted children such as a social and pedagogical support. In kindergarten this type of support has a number of difficulties associated with age-related characteristicsof children, some specifics of the institutions, personnel readiness, and methodological supplies of the process.

Problems of Gifted Children in the Modern World

In the modern era, the era of the formation of post-industrial society, where the value of intellectual and creative human potential increases significantly, professional teaching of gifted and highly motivated children is urgently required. Nowadays the importance and urgency of solving the problem of identification and development of gifted and highly intelligent children cannot be overstated. Today’s requirements can combine the principles of integrated development and differentiated learning. These requirements can be regarded as a social order.

The Development of Gifted Children in Society

The level of the development of social consciousness requires a change in attitude of society to the problem of "non-standard"children's. We need to organize new mechanisms of adaptation of gifted child in today's society, and realize some measures at the federal and regional levels, which will fulfill gifted children potential. Children's creativity and unique results of their activities may be very usefulfor our state and society.

Keywords: giftedness, talent, gifted child.

Attestation Project as an Indicator of Teacher Professionalism

In the article we give a detailed analysis of the professional project as a form of representation of teacher's certification examination, and argue in favor of creating professional projects. Moreover we prove the need for the development of teacher's project activities and training in terms of professional projecting.

Keywords: attestation examination, teacher professional project, project activity.

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Modern Education Progress Tends as a Reference Point for a School Educational Environment Projecting

World experience shows that the stage-by-stage development of the society provokes a crisis in the system of education by increasing the appeared antagonisms. We propose to examine the main progress trends of the Russian educational system from the standpoint of eliminating contradictions in the school educational environment projecting.

Keywords: antagonisms of education, projecting, progress trends, educational reforms, principles.

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Integration of the Educational Systems and the Development of Professional Environment for Teacher

We search the problem of teacher’s self-development in the integrative professional educational environment. A particular attention is given to some approaches to the developing of this environment. We present a system of scientific and methodological support for the process of teacher’s personal and professional self-development, and examine the key stages in the construction of such a system.

Projecting as a Means for the Formation of the Inclusive Educational Activity

We deal with topical questions of inclusive education in the light of the new Russian Federation Law on Education. In the article we examine the concept of the inclusive educational environment and the special role of projecting in its formation. The experience of the realization of the creative inclusive project on the basis of a public school is described.

Keywords: inclusive education, educational environment, projecting, children with limited health abilities.

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Extracurricular Activities as a Resource for the Formation of a Comfortable and Developmental Educational Environment

In the article we consider basic regulatory requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the general education to the organization of the extracurricular activities which are a corresponding part of the comfortable educational environment.

Keywords: the Federal State Educational Standard, extracurricular activities, primary school.

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The Development of Universal Educational Actions at the Lessons of Social Studies

The development of universal educational actions is one of the main statements of the Federal State Educational Standards. We note that in today's modern society much attention is paid to the formation of a new type of Russian citizens' worldview. The integration of social studies course into the secondary school stimulates the development of students' positive attitude to the homeland, active citizenship, and the right self-determination.

Gifted Children. Way of the Future

In the article we present Novosibirsk region government program on the identification and support of gifted children and talented students.

Keywords: working with gifted children, special classes, coordination of educational activities.

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