Problem outline

The Dilemma of Sociocentrism and Culturocentrism in the Interpretation of the Phenomenon of Philosophy: an Anthropological Argument

Due to the multidisciplinarity ofmodern philosophy there exists a problemof conformance between disciplinary models of philosophy. Thus the socio-philosophical interpretation o f philosophy as a social phenomenon (sociocentrism) conflicts with its interpretation as a phenomenon o f distinct cultures (culturocentrism, i.e. eurocentrism or asiacentrism). The anthropological argument could be used to solve the dilemma o f sociocentrism and culturocentrism: the acknowledged by euroentrists thesis "All humans are philosophers".

Philosophical-Anthropological Meaning of Self-Determination of the Learner in the Educational Process

The issue of self-determination of the learner in the educational process, as a problem o f human choice is beyond the boundaries o f pedagogy and requires a philosophical understanding that has led to appeal o f the author, first, to correlate the philosophy of education in the history of culture, and secondly, to clarify the ontological foundations of the phenomenon o f self-determination.

Philosophy as Spirituo-Practical Activity

In social philosophy the phenomenon of philosophy is defined in terms of forms of social consciousness, spiritual activity and practico-spiritual mastering of the world. These concepts are not equivalent, as consciousness does not contain material and practical components. The spiritual activity is opposite to practice. As the practical activity is mediated by the spiritual activity (both as non-specialized and specialized), it can be more specifically defined as practico-spiritual activity.

The Influence of Philosophy as a Heuristic Method for the Formation of Economic Education

The article attempts to examine the justification of teaching philosophy as an intuitive method to students-economists in the uncertainty of current state of the domestic economy.

Keywords: economic education, economic uncertainty, a philosophy, an intuitive method, an exact science, types of thinking, qualitative and holistic analysis of the cognitive function of philosophy, a working hypothesis.

Didactic Basic Principles of Activation of Learning and Cognitive Activity of Students in the Modern Conditions

The article considers approaches, which activate learning and cognitive activity of higher educational institution students, system of didactic tools oriented to cogitative method mastery, mental activity activation.

The Role of Propaedeutic Course in the Students Adaptation to the High Educational Institution Atmosphere

The article examines some problems of the adaptation of first-year students to the university environment. The difficulties of mastering of subjects of natural-scientific directions are marked. The article suggests one of possible solutions of this problem — the organization of propaedeutic course "Physical bases of technical mechanics" for students of faculty of technology and entrepreneurship.

Behavioral Culture and Value-semantic Competence of the Teacher

The article examines the term "education" in the aspect of growing values of students. Special attention is paid to normative component of this issue, requirements and techniques of formation of axiological skills and age- psychological common factors and special aspects of this process development. Strong attention is paid to the cooperation between behavioral culture of a teacher and child-rearing practices.

Supervision as Support of Young Teacher Professional Development a t School

The article states the issue of supervision organization in the secondary school, which has been actualized by the implementation of new educational standards.

Multimedia Visibility in Teaching Physics

We analyze the content of the concept of visibility in the widespread use of multimedia learning tools. Regulations formulated for the use of computer models as a means of visibility in physics learning. 1. In the presentation of the educational material is maintain logic movement of knowledge from the phenomenon to the essence. For the stages "ascent to the abstract" and the "ascent to the specific" correspond to different models or different elements of the same models that are displayed in the proper sequence. 2.

Modern Learning Session: Solving Project Task by School Students

The article gives reasons for the necessity of particular emphasis to system and successive growth of project skills of the students: starting with understanding and memorizing the aim, planning its achievement, auto-evaluation skills and elementary techniques of reflection at primary school, continuing with competence of performing project activity on given directions at secondary school. Further, on the level of secondary education it is essential for a school student to plan individual direction of development and professional identity.

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