No. 5 (2021)

Implementierung der innovativen Technologien Deutschlands zur Modellierung der beruflichen kommunikativen Kompetenz der Studierenden nichtsprachlicher Fachrichtungen

Integrationsprozesse in verschiedenen Tatigkeitsbereichen, akademische und berufliche Mobilitat stellen neue Anforderungen an die Ausbildung der modernen Fachkrafte. Sie sollen neben fachlichen Kenntnissen auch uber Igute Fremdsprachenkenntnisse fur die Kommunikation im Berufsbereich verfugen. In diesem Zusammenhang ist p auf die Erfahrungen Deutschlands zu verweisen, dessen Leistungen bei der Entwicklung von Methoden, Formen zur » Gestaltung eines berufsorientierten Fremdsprachenunterrichts in Europa fuhrend sind.

The methodology of the inteconnected course programmes as an effective form of content and language integrated learning in higher education

This article substantiates the need to develop innovative educational methodologies taking into account the current trends in the transformation of the educational paradigm. The relevance of the study is associated with the new requirements for the professional competence of a university graduate. The article specifies the global trends in society changes influencing the functioning of modern universities and describes the principles universities apply to course programmes design. Innovative methods of bilingual education used by foreign universities are analyzed.

Development of cognitive & research activities of students in the aspect of a distance course in the Russian language and literature

The article considers the experience of implementing a distance learning course of the Russian language and literature. Currently At the present stage, it has become urgent for us to ensure the optimization of the educational process using information technologies. It should be noted that the distance learning format turned out to be the most acceptable for us. The article describes the stages of goal-setting, designing the content and means of teaching.

Psychological training of military schools g cadets in 6 0 -7 0 s of the last century

Research problem and justification of its relevance The relevance of the psychological training of military personnel ^ is confirmed by the analysis of modern wars and military conflicts, indicating a tendency towards an increase in the ® requirements for the psychological training of military personnel, including cadets of military universities.

Organizational and managerial aspects of inclusive education of students with disabilities

The article is devoted to topical issues of organization and management of the process of education of children with q disabilities, taking into account their special educational needs and individual opportunities in the conditions of a jJJ general education organization. The experience of work on psychological-pedagogical and socio-pedagogical support S of children with disabilities and disabilities in the context of the implementation of the GEA is presented. Practical  methods and tools of diagnostics and correction in the work of a school teacher-psychologist are proposed.

Novonikolaevsk Teachers’ Institute: Forgotten History (1 9 1 7 -1 9 2 0 )

The article discusses the issue of the emergence of the first teacher's institutes in Western Siberia in the pre-revolutionary years, shows the rivalry of Siberian cities for the right to open a teacher's institute in their city. The role of A. A. Manuilov, the Minister of Public Education of the first composition of the Provisional Government, is revealed. The names of the first group of teachers who worked at the Novo-Nikolaevsky Teachers' Institute and the names of students who have successfully completed their studies have been named. The biography of A. K.
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