Research quest

Online Marathons as an Effective Approach to Organizing Corporate Training for Teachers

The article presents the problem of corporate training. The relevance of the research is thanks to the search for new forms of corporate training organization. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of organizing corporate teacher training. The aim of the research is to evaluate the possibilities of microeducation — namely online marathons — for conducting corporate teacher training.

Intellectual Resources as a Component of Foreign Language Communicative Competence of Students In Non-Linguistic Higher Education Institution

The relevance of the study is determined by the significance of the intellectual resources being necessary for the formation of students’ communicative skills in order to increase the level of their foreign language communicative competence in the process of teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic higher education institutions.

Educational Environment as a Condition for the Self-Organization of Military Specialist Competence

Modernization of modern higher education in general and military education, in particular, is largely associated with the transformation of Russian society, with its socio-economic changes and complex geopolitical situation, requiring, first of all, military specialists of high quality, capable of making quick decisions in a situation of sharply changing operational environment.

Digital Tools for the Formation of General Professional Competencies of Students in Technical and Economic Specialties at a University

The article examines the competence-based approach in the aspect of new requirements to the federal educational standards of higher education at the level of basic higher education. The necessity of using digital tools for the formation of general professional, including engineering, graduate competencies to achieve the goals of basic higher education is substantiated. The subject of the study is the invariant of general professional competencies. The object of the study is the classification of digital tools according to various criteria in higher education.

Philosophy of Education and Theory of Communicative Action of J. Habermas

The purpose of the article is to generalize the experience of philosophical and pedagogical interpretation of the theoretical constructs of J. Habermas and to determine further prospects for their analysis in the context of constructing a fundamental theory of education. It is argued that to date, a certain tradition has developed in the philosophy of education of using Habermas’ theoretical constructs to solve philosophical and pedagogical problems.

Conditions for the Professional and Personal Development of a Future Teacher

The article focuses on the main trends and conditions of professional and personal development of a future teacher at a university. The relevance of the research is justified by the modern requirements of society to the personality and the level of professionalism of the teacher. The purpose of the study is to analyze the concept of «professional and personal development», to define and experimentally verify the conditions of professional and personal development of a future teacher.

Studying Chinese as a Foreign Language Within the Framework of Russian-Chinese Cooperation

Nowadays, in the globalized world, Standard Chinese has become an influential and universal language, being the second most important language in the world after English. It is not surprising that the number of people wanting to start learning Chinese is growing so rapidly. Since the end of the last century, there have been departments for training Chinese language teachers in Russian universities, where you can study the language in combination with a second subject in order to obtain the profession of a Chinese language teacher.

School Physics Experiment: Studying Alpha Particles

The purpose of this article is to discuss the problem of teaching the basics of nuclear physics in a school course. Based on the analysis of numerous sources on the school demonstration experiment, the authors consider the use of demonstration equipment in the study of the topic «Elementary particles». The main objectives of the article are to improve the situation with the observation of the properties of alpha particles, that is difficult to reproduce in practice, and to compile methodological recommendations for working with such equipment.

Preparing Future Teachers for the Use of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Professional Activities

The article covers the problem area of developing competencies in the field of artificial intelligence among students of pedagogical specialties. The datebase of the ascertaining experiment conducted among students of pedagogical specialties of the Kuzbass Humanitarian-Pedagogical Institute of Kemerovo State University (KHPI KemSU) in 2023 testified to the insufficient preparation of future teachers for the use of artificial intelligence systems in the educational environment and, as a consequence, the need to introduce a special discipline into the educational environmental preparation.

Features of Educational and Methodological support Development of Teacher Professional Mobility

To confirm the relevance of the research topic, a multi-scientific analysis of scientific and educational literature was made. It was possible to identify the following: professional mobility as a subject of scientific interest in pedagogy has been studied for more than thirty years. The emphasis in defining this concept has shifted from representing mobility as a process to thinking about mobility as a personal quality, personal potential. This gives reason to assume that pedagogical influence can be exerted on its development.
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