Research quest

The Role of Research in Mathematics in the Formation of Critical Thinking in Students

The article substantiates the need for formation of students' critical thinking, and various approaches to the definition of this concept are considered. The purpose of the work: to study the connection between the performance of students in the mathematics and the formation of critical thinking.

USE as an Indicator of the State for the Language Education in the Region

Statement of the problem. The issue of assessing the quality of language education among graduates of secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums in the Russian Federation remains an unresolved problem. This, in particular, is due to the fact that for many years the evaluation system at school depended on teachers themselves: they both created evaluation materials and also carried out verification. The purpose of the study. Analyze the situation with language education in the region and give recommendations for training and completing test tasks. The scientific exposition.

Functional Literacy of Primary School Students as a Basis for Implementation of the Conceptual Model “Lifelong Learning”: Methodological Design of Learning Tasks

Problem statement concerns the innovation pedagogical trend, the concept of "Lifelong learning", which is becoming an integral part of modern public education, multiplying the potential success and demand for competitive specialists who are ready for permanent up skilling.

Characteristics of Factual Material on the History of the Countries of East Asia in the Course of Modern History

The relevance of the research undertaken seems to be obvious due to the fact that recent history is a completely unique and specific phenomenon even within the framework of the historical concept, if only because it represents a completely fresh chronological cut. The methodology of research.

Adaptation of the Organism to Load Young Printer Skiers with Different Types Lateral Organization Profile

The article continues a series of publications devoted to the possibility of using the profile of lateral organization, which characterizes the functional interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain, as one of the marker factors in the structure of phenogenetic characteristics of the human constitution. Con-sideration of profile of lateral organization from the standpoint of integrative anthropology is aimed at solving a number of psychological, pedagogical and biomedical issues, including optimization of sports selection, sports orientation and educational and training process of sportsmen.

Intercultural Communication in the Context of University Foreign Language Teaching

The purpose of this article is to present the review o f publications about the  of teaching intercultural communication at the lessons o f foгeign languages at univeгsities. The carried o u t analysis shows th a t the efficiency of inteгcultuгal communication is influenced both by objective and subjective factoгs. The most serious pгoems аге ethnocentгism, confuting to steгeotypes, insufficient foгeign language pгoficiency, mismatching of noгms and behavior of native and target cultuгe.

Regional Aspects of the Tutorials for Functioning Civic & Patriotic Education of the Youth: History of Novosibirsk Destination — from Gubernja to the Capital of the Siberian Region

Problem statement. The research field of topical aspects of spiritual, moral, patriotic and civic education of young people is more extensive than ever before in the light of the new educational values of current Russian education. The purpose of this study is both to update and determine the importance of the Regional history in historical science, in pedagogy, and in educational activities of social institutions of different levels and significance. Methodology and materials of the research.

Research Approach to Teaching Schoolchildren a Foreign Language

The article updates organizational and methodical peculiarities of schoolchildren's research work during foreign language learning. The authors justify the relevance of the research approach to forming schoolchildren's research skills as a universal way of learning the reality, gaining personal experience of learning, creativity development during lifelong education within contemporary information society. It is proved that the subject "Foreign language" offers significant potential for schoolchildren's research skills development.

Mentoring in the Field of Education: Its Essence and Differences from Other Learning Technologies

The development of professional competence of school managers in terms of the implementation of state tasks is the key-point and condition for achieving national and strategic development goals in the field of education, i. e. the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education.

Experience of Scientific and Methodological Support of Teaching Mathematics in Specialized Classes

The solution to the problem of scientific and methodological support for teaching mathematics in specialized classes is considered from the position of a teacher who has extensive practical experience, but has difficulties in preparing software and methodological support and creating an optimal educational environment.
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