Research quest

Tutor Technology of Scientific and Methodological Support of Teachers in Modern Conditions

The article deals with the management of the development of teaching staff with the help of tutor technology of scientific and methodological support of teachers in modern conditions of updating general education on the basis of federal state educational standards (FGOS) and federal basic general education programs (FOOP).

Specifics of Exploring StudentIntercultural Sensitivity in terms of Current Foreign Language Acquisition

This study portrays a number of effective foreign language teaching techniques for measuring intercultural sensitivity as a device for effective intercultural communication and dialogue between cultures that can be established by young people in a modern society. Given the priorityto this issue, the current study views intercultural sensitivity within the frames of interethnic conflict growth; international aggression within the increased globalization and migration.

The Possibilities of Interdisciplinary Integration in the Disclosure of Cause-And-Effect Relationships Between Common Scientific Concepts of Academic Disciplines

The task of pedagogical universities is to teach students to meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general Education, i.e. the formation of a scientific view of the world among students. For current students competent to work productively in this direction, it is necessary to foster their scientific world mindset of the ways of its formation. The scientific mindset, according to the Standard, is formed on the basis of possession of intersubject concepts, as well as cause-and-effect relationships.

Pre-School and Primary Foreign Language Education: Value Determinants and Continuity

Background. The problem context of this micro-research is the creation of a developing professional environment for continuing education of a foreign language teacher in the aspect of understanding the culture-creation mission of the early foreign language education as a value dominant of the individual.

The use of authentic video-materials as a means of formation of students’ foreign language communicative competence in non-linguistic higher education institutions

The author defines the relevance of the study by the need to find out and expand the boundaries of the use of information and communication technologies, including authentic video-materials and methods of working with them for the development of students’ speaking skills and communicative competence. The use of Internet-resources as well as video-materials contributes to the creation of conditions for the formation of the corresponding types of competencies — communicative and informative ones.

Development of teacher’s technological culture in modern school

Modern challenges to the education system, including the general education school, contribute to the increase of the teacher’s role in organizing the pedagogical process and at the same time to the enhancement of his/her responsibility for the quality of education. The article formulates and substantiates approaches to the formation of teacher's technological culture. The object of this research is development of teacher’s technological culture in modern school as well as his/her self-development to meet new requirements of the modern society.

The System of Integrated Educational Tasks for ba Student Professional Training: Upbringing Aspect

The renewed Federal State Educational Standard for General Education (2021) underliesthe increased attention to the value attitudes cultivated as students’ educational results. Students of pedagogical universities need to be prepared for practical work to fulfill modern requirements introduced by the State. Thus, the goal of the opus covers one of the options for the formation of pedagogical readiness forthe future teacher involvement into an independent implementation of integration educational tasks intended forthe upbringing essence of the educational process.

Multilingual Competence as a Socially Significant Personality Characteristic of a Modern Graduate

The interaction of cultures is an essential part of the activity of any society. Globalization, as well as the requirements of the academic and professional communities for the competence of a modern specialist for successful functioning in a multicultural environment, confirms the necessity of the research in the field of the formation of multilingual competence among students of a multidisciplinary university.

Theory Concepts of Teaching Foreign Language Communication for SP to Students of Non-Linguistic Universities: Implementation of NovelEducation Technologies

This article presents the analysis of the problem changes of the requirements for the level of foreign language training of future specialists at higher school, non-linguistic educational institutions, in the times of uncertainty. The main goal of this research is to show pluses and minuses of the implementation of novel educational technologies as a process of cultivating novices in teaching and learning foreign languages.

The Project Approach to the Development of Financial Culture in an Educational Organization

This paper reveals the logic and structure of the advanced training program for educational leaders through the project approach. As a result, the basic elements of the educational model for the development of financial culture in an educational organization are presented. In conclusion, the authors state the fact that the teacher has the opportunity to build up the system for the formation of a culture of competent financial behavior of children, adults, pensioners, and other target audiences.
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