Research quest

Conflictogenic Factors of Pedagogical Interaction Between Students and Teachers of Higher Education

The article deals with the problem of conflict in the social component of the educational environment of the university, as space in which the interaction of subjects of higher education.

Science and Power in Rethinking the Problems of Development

The article analyzes the contradictions of the narrow specialization of scientists, the commonality and contradictions between science and ideology, which serve to legitimize power. The simplified, linear views of politicians as the reasons for the growing conflict of civilizations within the development of European culture are shown. The substitution of science by science in application to social processes is shown.

Potentials and Effects of National Public Administration in Education Quality Improvement in Modern Educational Institution

The article presents conceptual summation of phenomenon development of national public administration in the system of Russian education on different administrative levels. The theme line deals with the understanding of direct correlation of the quality improvement processes and effective development of collegial administrative bodies activities in the modern educational institutions.

Assessment of the Experimental Tasks of General State Physics ExaminationAssessment of the Experimental Tasks of General State Physics Examination

The article reviews peculiarities of experimental task of the general state physics exam and its assessment. Assessment criteria of experimental tasks are analyzed. Types of experimental tasks have been defined, comparison of criteria for different types of these tasks have been made. Analysis data has been presented in the form of tables. Formulations have been offered, which concretize and supplement the criteria of the assessment.

A Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Teaching Methods of Discrete Mathematics

The article presents a comparison of the effectiveness of genetic and activity methods of teaching discrete mathematics in the direction of "Information technology" at the Novosibirsk state University of water transport. The descriptions of these methods in application to some sections of discrete mathematics are given, the specificity of the discipline in question is discussed. The substantiation of statistical methods by which this comparison is made is given.

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