Problem outline

Development of Professional Educational Mastery of a Teacher by Methodologically Adapted of Historical and Pedagogical Knowledge

The article takes an attempt to provide rational for the essential possibility of activization of the process of the development of professional educational mastery at practical pedagogical workers (form masters, social teachers, teacher-facilitators, extracurricular teachers and etc.) by methodologically adapted of historical and pedagogical knowledge. Professional educational mastery is considered as highest possible stage of personal and creative fulfilment of a teacher.

Educational Technological Environ as a Factor of Formation in the Professional Self-identification of Students

Educational technological environ is identified in the article as an aggregate of organizational pedagogical conditions and mechanisms of school evolvement and self-evolvement as an object of studying and practice and as a factor of formation in the professional self-identification of students. Professional self-identification of a student is considered, in its turn, as a factor of personality’s evolvement, and the student — as a subject with own living and professional plans, in terms of analysis about his or her own real opportunities and being in demand on the labor-market.

Language Development of a Student in a Modern day Classroom: Methodology and Practice

This article is a methodological/theoretical review of the concept of ‘true communication of what the world needs nowadays’ and manifestation of the participants’ motivation towards communication in the educational process of the language classrooms/classes.

Actual Directions of Primary General Education Development

Primary school is the most important stage in the life of every child, the period when there is a change of leadership, the development of a new social role and the formation of functional literacy in all the leading areas of personal development. This level of education is traditionally a platform for various pedagogical experiments, testing of normative documents and guidelines. Not an exception was the period of standardization of Russian education, the start of which was testing, and then the introduction of the Federal state educational standard of primary education (fgos).

Criteria for Assessing the Quality of Primary General Education

This article discusses the main approaches to the development of quality criteria for primary General education.

Professional Mobility of a Teacher Facilitator in the Modern Sociocultural Context

Phenomenon of professional mobility of the teacher facilitator against the background of the requirements of the professional standard “Specialist in the field of education” is considered. An applicability of the investigation of the professional mobility of the teacher facilitator is stressed due to the purpose modification of occupational characteristics, change of the social demand on the professional competences.

Education Organization Experience with the use of Robotic Facilities in the Educational Systems of Europe, USA and Russia

Analytical data of the use of educational robotic facility in the different countries of the world are given, characteristics of robotic platforms are offered, a practical model of such platform to be used in the process of education during extracurricular activity is given. The experience of teaching informatics in South Korea is considered in details, as the content lines of South Korean course of informatics for juniors and secondary school matches a lot content lines of informatics course in Russia.

The Individualization of the Educational Process as Means of Forming and Developing Students’ key Competences

The education should become more individualized, functional and efficient. This task is solved through the individualization of the process, when a teacher and a student become equal subjects of education. The main aim of education in the sphere of teaching foreign languages in a special or professional direction supposes the development of professionally oriented intercultural communicative competences of students. The author also considers communicative foreign language competences, as well as socio-cultural, professional, educational, methodical and other competences.

Experience of Development of Pedagogical Education in the Context of All-Russian Tendencies

The process of modernization of pedagogical education in the context of All-Russian tendencies is considered in the article. Models of teachers' training that exist in Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPSU) are presented. The experience of realization of multi-level education is summarized; the efficiency of existing practices of teachers’ training in Russian universities is discussed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of system changes in pedagogical education in Russian Federation.

The Interaction of University and School: Traditions and Innovations

The theme of the publication is actualized by the understanding of the need to maintain a balance between the introduction of various kinds of innovations in the process of interaction between educational institutions and the preservation of traditions. The materials of the article are aimed at understanding the experience of interaction between secondary and higher education in the context of solving the problem of improving the quality of education, enhancing the development of students.

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