Problem outline

Information stratification in the digital transformation of education

The introduction of digitalization into the education system involves a comprehensive modernization of information technologies, with the help of which both the full administration of the educational institution and the information support of all members of the educational institution, whether they are participants and organizers of the educational process or university researchers, could be carried out.

Adaptation of Teachers to Peculiar Activities in the Aspect of Instability and Uncertainty

The rapidly changing educational space within the transition to digital technologies determines the problem area of this study. The main goal of this study covers the identification of the perspectives for the development of the professional competencies of an educator in line with the processes of instability and uncertainty. The subject of this researchconsiders the system of advanced training of college teachers.

Leading Pedagogical Design Experience: Educational Process in Primary School

Research problem and justification of its relevance. Designing the educational process by a primary school teacher is one of the most significant labor actions according to the Professional Standard for this category of educators. However, many teachers experience difficulties at various stages of design, including the development process stage of educational programs. Purpose of this research: to study, analyze and generalize the advanced pedagogical experience in the design and implementation of the educational process by primary school teachers in the Novosibirsk region.

Ecosystem of Regional Resource Centers for the Development of Education as a Model of Network Educational Opportunities

The main idea of the article is to consider the relevance of the problem ecosystem of education at the present stage of its development, to provide some experience in the field the conceptual apparatus of the Russian and international educators and scholars in the educational ecosystem, to be compared with the concept of "educational environment" and describe the ecosystem of regional resource center for education development "Cooperation and Prospect" in the Novosibirsk region, operating on the basis of Gymnasium No. 3 in Akademgorodok.

Distance Education Technologies: The Realities of Today and the Prospects for Using the Education of Children with Special Educational Needs

The contemporary issue dealt with in this article is how, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, to integrate and adapt online distance-learning for the education of children with specific special needs. The author, after assessing data from various sources, analyses the pros and cons of an educational medium that has become widespread due to the pandemic. The results of different investigations lead with students, parents and teachers provide the detail for this analysis.


The article raises some of the problems how to cultivate pedagogical skills at music education institutions. The purpose of the article is to survey some social and cultural values of professional orientation that require a detailed methodological monitoring and a topical and meaningful conceptual framework for the process of teaching.

Evaluation of Efficacy of Mentoring Support for Senior Employees of Educational Organizations

The article deals with the analysis of methods, models, criteria, and indicators of evaluating the efficacy of mentoring activities, and introduces the criterion-evaluation apparatus of efficacy of interaction of a senior employee-mentor and a senior employee-mentee on the crucial issues of management activities within education.

Educational Results and Social Effects in the System of Advanced Professional Training of Workers

The article examines the problem of advanced training of workers, its impact on the formation of human capital, professional and personal quality of the modern worker. The latter is interpreted in terms of internal and external systemic and social quality as a phenomenon of qualityology - the triune science of the quality of education. The issues of the formation and assessment of educational results and social effects are actualized in relation to the system of advanced professional training of workers.

Participation of Border Regions in the Export of Educational Services of the Russian Federation

The article is devoted to the study of the significance of the Russia border regions in achieving one of the main goals of the national project "Education". This goal is strengthening the competitive position of Russia in the world markets of educational services. The Russian Government sets a special task to form an institutional framework for increasing the export of products from non-resource sectors in general, and educational services especially.

The System of Arts Education in the Siberian Region: Traditions, Problems and Development

The article is devoted to the features of the formation of art education in the Siberian region as a system of continuing education. The main objective of the study is to analyze the basic forms of interaction between the units of art education, identify urgent problems that impede the development of the system, and consider possible solutions to them.
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