Problem outline

Educational Environment As Cultural & Pedagogical Phenomenon of XXI Century

The educational environment is an integral part of modern life. This article discusses the development of the educational environment and its impact on academic success and personal development. The factors and features of a high-quality educational environment are identified, as well as measures to improve it are considered. The author calls for attention to the problem of the development of the educational environment and its further improvement to better lives and careers of people at any age.

Advanced Professional Training: Variable Pedagogical Models of Formation and Development of Professional and Personal Qualitymodernworkers

The article examines the requirements of modern production for workers, analyzes the problem and potential of advancement in education. The author presents for discussion the results of a study involving representatives of employers and workers trained under the advanced training programs. In this regard, ranked lists of professionally significant personal qualities and attributes preferred and expected by respondents from among employers’ representatives and from among workers are presented.

Interpretation of the Results of the all-Russian Testing Works of Primary School Students: a Typology of Difficulties and Pedagogical Techniques of Correction

The problem of finding universal tools for monitoring the quality of primary general education, allowing not only to evaluate the results, but also to diagnose the causes of difficulties for primary school students, attracts the attention of all participants of educational relations.

Formation of Foreign-Language Emotional Experience of Communication in Middle School Students: Means and Methodological resources

This article focuses on the question of the interconnection of such concepts as: «emotivity», «emotional intelligence» and «emotional experience», and also substantiates the necessity for students to acquire a foreign language emotional experience of communication in a foreign language lesson in the middle school as a way of developing emotional intelligence. The main purpose of the work is to offer means and methodological resources for the formation of students’ foreign language emotional communication experience.

Multicultures and Multilingua as Key Axiologem for Improving Quality of Language Education

Problem statement concerns the actual issues of forming a multicultural picture of the world of students via effective teaching and learning world languages.

Giftedness Development: Priority Task of Сurrent Education

The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of giftedness development for the 21st century education. The requirements put forward to a person in modern realities and the factors that define them are revealed. The problem relevanceis analysed on three levels: social-pedagogical, scientific-theoretical, practical-implementing. The tasks of giftedness development, which are outlined in the state educational policy, are presented. Modern approaches to the development of concepts and models of giftedness are studied: integrative, dynamic, humanistic.

Control as a Factor of Improving the Quality of Foreign Language Education

The article actualizes the problem of preparing students for the final state certification in foreign languages. A brief analysis of the concept of «control”» is given, and the main features of the control of the formation of speaking skills in the format of USE tasks in English are revealed. The results of the experiment on the section «Speaking» for 1st year students of Volgograd State University were analyzed in order to identify typical errors.

Information stratification in the digital transformation of education

The introduction of digitalization into the education system involves a comprehensive modernization of information technologies, with the help of which both the full administration of the educational institution and the information support of all members of the educational institution, whether they are participants and organizers of the educational process or university researchers, could be carried out.

Adaptation of Teachers to Peculiar Activities in the Aspect of Instability and Uncertainty

The rapidly changing educational space within the transition to digital technologies determines the problem area of this study. The main goal of this study covers the identification of the perspectives for the development of the professional competencies of an educator in line with the processes of instability and uncertainty. The subject of this researchconsiders the system of advanced training of college teachers.

Leading Pedagogical Design Experience: Educational Process in Primary School

Research problem and justification of its relevance. Designing the educational process by a primary school teacher is one of the most significant labor actions according to the Professional Standard for this category of educators. However, many teachers experience difficulties at various stages of design, including the development process stage of educational programs. Purpose of this research: to study, analyze and generalize the advanced pedagogical experience in the design and implementation of the educational process by primary school teachers in the Novosibirsk region.
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