Problem outline

A modern lesson in elementary school: Features of designing and secrets of skill

 The article presents a scientific and methodical analysis of lessons conducted by the participants of the regional competition of professional skills "My best lesson" for primary school teachers. It is noted that the competition is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding teacher Taisia Prokopievna Komarova, primary school teacher of the Krasnokameshok school of the Suzun district of the Novosibirsk region, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Conception of Russian Mathematics Study Development: Problems and Continuity of its Realization

The article presents the results o f the questionnaire survey of the primary education teachers and mathematics teachers o f the discussion o f "Conception of the development o f the mathematics study in the Russian Federation" and cognitive readiness o f its realization, continuity o f problems in the mathematics study, based on the analysis o f the Conception the potential o f mathematics study in the modern environment was revealed.

In te rn e t Security for Children and Analysis of Child Suicide Prevention by the means of In te rn e t throughout Russian Federation

This paper reveals the data from studying online dangers and provides the analysis of child suicide prevention by the means of Internet throughout Russian Federation. The guidelines for teachers and parents are also provided. The author used the authentic questionnaire "Exploring the Value of Health', the adapted version o f SF-36 health survey to assess the quality of life, and the complex questionnaire o f the lifestyle social-psychological qualimetry as the research methods. The content analysis of the Internet resources was also used followed by correlation and factor analysis.

Teaching of School Subjects in Conditions Informatization of the Educational Process

The article provides an overview of the possibilities o f using ICT tools in teaching students various subjects. Defining the informatization o f the educational process as a providing factor for students to achieve planned results and a tool for solving didactic and educational tasks by the teacher, the author bases on the positive and previously proven positive changes in general education. The article highlights common for all subject areas and the opportunities for productive use o f ICT tools in the educational process, which are specific for individual subjects.

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