Teachers` council by correspondence

New Educational Elements f the Profile Course “Physics”, Section “Quantum Physics” of General Secondary Education

The modern development of the economy of the Russian Federation requires a high quality of secondary general education, a conscious choice by graduates of schools of vocational technical and technological education. Analysis of the Model Program and the Work Programs of specialized schools revealed the problems of forming a physical picture of the world. The object of the study is the process of teaching physics, the subject of the study is the educational content and technological methods of mastering students’ knowledge in the section Quantum Physics.

The Experience of Using the Case Method In Biology Lessons as a Way to Form Natural Science Literacy

The formation of scientific thinking is an integral component of the educational process. The formed worldview determines behavior. The content of academic disciplines needs constant interdisciplinary interaction. On the example of a case method, the interaction of students with biology and ecology (synecology) is shown. The paper presents scientific material for teachers of biology, ecology, which can be used in the classroom.

Causes of University Students’ Failure in Teaching Foreign Language With Moocs

This article examines the factors why university students do not complete massive open online courses when they are taught a foreign language. The study summarizes the results of experimental work on teaching a professionally oriented foreign language to students of a non-linguistic university using massive open online courses. The reasons for not completing a MOOC by university students when teaching a foreign language are revealed. Methodological recommendations to increase the proportion of students completing training in MOOCs are proposed.

Formation of Functional Literacy in Practical Classes in a Foreign (English) Language

This article is devoted to the process of formation of functional literacy of students in English lessons. Based on the existing regulatory framework, the authors define the concept of functional literacy. It describes the structure of functional literacy, its relationship with key competencies, including the influence of a foreign language on the formation of functional literacy. One of the tasks that a foreign language teacher faces is the formation of functional literacy in practical lessons.

Experience in Creating Posters at Foreign Language Lessons in the 7th Grade of Secondary School

This article focuses on the issue of creating the posters by secondary school students at foreign language lessons. It presents the theoretical justification of the concept of “poster”, focuses on the possibilities of teaching intensification, strengthening the use of visual methods while creating posters. Particular attention is paid to the methods of students’ self-work with the large amount of information, as well as the processing and presenting the extensive material in a concise poster format.

On the Educational Potential of Military-Historical Board Games on the Example of Strategic Board Game «The Road to Victory. Battle for Moscow»

This article discusses the potential of strategic board games in the educational process in history classes on the example of a strategic board game "The Road to Victory. Battle for Moscow". The article analyzes the game, identifies technical and methodological problems arising in its use, notes the strengths and weaknesses of the educational potential of the game content. The authors focus on the problem of matching the gameplay of the board game "The Road to Victory. The Battle for Moscow". and historical reality.

Improving Students’ Communicative Skills in Additional Foreign Language Education

This article is devoted to the improvement of schoolchildren’s communicative and creative skills and abilities of in the process of teaching a foreign language (FL) in the system of additional foreign language education. An important direction of the circle work is the purposeful and conscious pupils’ improvement of speech skills and abilities in the process of fulfilling special tasks in listening, speaking and reading. By their nature they may differ from those traditionally used in the lessons of the FL, or complement and expand them.

Organization of Physical Education Classes at the University in the Conditions Of Distance Learning in Connection With the Coronavirus Infection

The article presents a comparative description of the physical fitness of students belonging to the special medical group (SMG), who entered the NSPU in 2018 (full-time education) and 2020 (distance learning). The organization of selfstudy using a new form of diary for students in the conditions of distance learning in connection with the coronavirus infection is shown. To assess the effectiveness of using the diary of independent studies of distance learning students, indicators of physical fitness were compared with full-time students.

Optimization of Teaching Lower Classes of Children’s Arts School to Play the Accordion

The article is devoted to one of the important problems - increasing the motivation for learning in children. The author, summarizing her own experience, proposes pedagogical techniques and methods that help to increase the motivation of primary art school pupils. The tendency in modern music pedagogy: the activation of musical and aesthetic education process is due to the paramount role of creativity in understanding the world, the need for comprehensive personal development, child’s natural activity, requiring creative functioning, close and familiar from childhood.

The Formation of Patriotism in Mediator-Interpreter Teaching

The topical issues of the articleconsider the needs of the state politics to create new technologies in the formation of patriotism in the process of a mediator-interpreter teaching a foreign language. The goal of the paper is to present the theoretical and practical justification of the patriot formation of a personality in the teaching process of a mediator-interpreter. Methodology of the research. The globalization approach and the principles of the information and linguistic and socio-cultural safety are in the focus of the research. Results of this study.
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